I’m not having someone basically tell me to shut up.
To ignore other players experiences and not to respond to them.
Or to break rules by using outside communications.

So yes, yes I do.
I’m sticking up for me


Hello, NUF Forum Mafia. My name is Marluxion. Nice to meet you all, new players and familiar faces alike!


it makes more sense when you put it like that

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Except it doesn’t, cause discussing how to catch reshiram or what people think about mafia in general is not breaking any rules.

So you want me to shut up and not to ask why are you clogging the thread instead of doing something productive, isn’t it right PKR?

via outside communication*

I’m tilga, nice to meet you too!

On a side note, those two know each other, yeah?
I don’t need to butt in with something cheesy like “this is a game, let’s have fun!”?



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hey eevee
guess what
not everybody who memeposts within the first 50 posts is scum who is trying to clog thread
you of all people should know this
in an ideal universe they would be but we don’t live in an ideal universe
and in an ideal universe we wouldn’t be playing mafia, would we

Eevee at the end of your day, you are a friend of mine.
Heck, I met you irl and had ya stay with me and Wolfy. It was great.

But like, this is a disagreement and it shouldn’t overall in the end affect anything.
Perhaps in a bit I’ll look back on this and thing I’ve been an idiot and my vote was emotion based and decide otherwise.

You’re not going to overstep a line here with me though in this game friend.

I don’t want you to shut up. If you want to be serious, by all means, please, go ahead.
I’m telling you not to tell me to be serious and basically say that we should take it elsewhere when you know it’s a breach of the code of conduct to do that.

Have respect for me and I can have respect for you.
I haven’t lost my respect in you at all. Atm I’m just hurt. Sorry

Also I know I might’ve said a few contradictions there but fuck me man, I just don’t know.

PKR, I’m not agressive due to disagreement.

Your posts literally had zero of usual motivation and were formed in “look at me, I’m in thread and I’m being friendly and helping new people” way.

This is plain scummy.
You wanted to look good from very start of the game.

I specifically said, if people want to read me in that way, I am more than happy for them to.
If you think I’m scum then vote me.

I really don’t give a single damn.
After all, this is FM.

Questioning motivation behind posts is perfectly valid and I highly respect it.
I can only say how it is from my perspective so when I’m dead in game if I die, then people can look back and follow it.

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There is difference between your aproach and Intensify or Cheese aproach.

The difference being that while them spaming was useless, it was natural.
Your spamming on the other hand was trying to get friendly with people, trying to get on theirs good side.

I’ma cussing you of trying to heave a good start. Yes, it doesn’t have to come from scum, can come from town.
But you didn’t do it randomly.

Hiya~ gonZ here~
I’m from nuf and i’ll probably be marinating @Tilgarial for the rest of the game to continue my joke from last game~
evil laugh


Let’s be honest PKR, you wanted to have allies.
And I don’t care if people see me as aggressive one from breaking it right away.

I am very aggressive.

But I am also sure you wanted to be on new players good side, and it’s damn visible.

…the game where you were mafia?
I still feel like that was an attempt at getting me suspected after your death!
That you’re continuing with it…

If that is how you wish to view it, then as I’ve said, so be it.
I won’t fight it, I’ve got no way to “prove” my mindset I guess so that’s kinda just… that.

I figure this argument is best to be simplified as such:
We disagree on the others approach and motivation.
We both do agree it’s not necessarily that the other is another alignment, but it’s frustrations that are bubbling.

If you wish for there to be no spam, then may I suggest we move on now.
You’ve gotten your point across, I’ve gotten mine.

Leave everyone to believe what they will.
I’ve got nothing to hide or worry about.

Thats why it’s going to be fun~ (for me)
You’ll have to guess if i did it again as mafia, or if i’m town and just want to make you paranoid~


/vote GonZ

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