Neopolitian is a type of ice cream that has 3 flavors, usually the combination of vanilla, chocolate and strawberry, all sorted within a container each with their own section.

Typical ice cream manufacturers tend to put the vanilla block of ice cream in the middle, as it symbolizes the most vanilla flavor of all flavors.

The strawberry and chocolate flavors are dunked to the left or right sides in no particular order.

It should also be noted that using any non-vanilla+chocolate+strawberry combo is controversial within the ice cream politics world, as it reduces the combined flavor power of all three and replaces it with something else.

Personally I prefer a classic mint chocolate chip ice cream, but neopolitian is a solid B tier for me, could be higher if it didn’t contain strawberry which I personally dislike, but to each their own.


-EV for disliking strawberry though

i know it’s gonna be an uphill battle since a) i’m top wagon b) people tr til and c) they’re a newbie

but i’d rather end my life with a vote on scum if i have to die
so i’m abandoning the evo wagon and pushing this

if i win and we get scum, poggers
if i die, so be it

this is my resolve

Oh yeah it’s also this thing but I’m pretty sure you were talking about ice crem cloned

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a neopolitan is a role that targets someone to learn if they are VT or not VT


Pushing what exactly though? It’s a not a wagon, just the concept itself?

Reply to wrong person?

Good question. The answer is yes.
I was playing it earlier in D1, just not recently.

I got Uni on Fridays from 1-3PM lol, so, yeah.
I’ve got like 60 posts to catch up on.

I’m pushing Tig’s execution
or attempting to


Oh shit

oh right cloned asked what neo is not you

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Also… “Are you playing the game”
Has the 8th most posts, meaning literally mid of the list

Like, sup Marl? You doing good?


I disagree with Tiga’s execution for now as I have a decent Townlean on them.

However, I do believe that if they don’t produce enough valid content and actions, I am willing to put them in PoE as such.

Case on Marl:
1. Unreasonable reads

As explained in my post where I addressed this, there is simply no reason for this…
Litterally every read they have is like this, was the first one I could find
Ill come back with the other ones
2. Pocketing

extremely bad VT claim

3. Hegding

Then immediately jumps to

leading a vote that becomes the top wagon, yet not taking responsibility for it

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I also can’t help but notice tig was posting earlier and is now frozen


Oh wait you do have a point here he does seem frozen now that I think about it

Yes i realize this likely leads to my death but this is the way


i was considering selfvoting and just letting myself go over when i made this post

i’m glad i didn’t

I don’t thing Tilgarial is a wolf from earlier in D1.
But perhaps the 60 posts will change things a lot.

I’m just going to say pre- these posts, Til is a town read.
About a 7/8 on the PKR scale