Hey @Tilgarial @cdecora does marl somehow remind you of joker13? Cuz i get that vibe somehow…

Some bg info: joker13 is a mafia player that has somehow managed to gain sus at practically every game he had played…

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Plot Twist: Marl is Joker13



Well… i originally wanted to milk the situation for all it’s worth, and only post it near EOD/before hammer. S’why i wrote it early in the first place.

But with a change in situation, and the people that it might affect not necessarily involved, I guess i could post it early.
Lemme think some on that one though

Don’t mistake, i’m no one you know. You’d know if you knew me from somewhere else. Marluxion the town hero isn’t mistakable for anyone else!

Somewhat, mainly because his title says joker.
But he hasn’t made a single meme yet, so it can’t be

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Maybe cuz of that…
But you seem oddly have similar reaction with the person i know. Albeit he’s way more nonsensical and easily pressured.



Joker13 = DybuDabu = SmoothBrainPepega = Trucklover?

FOL conspiracy theory



These are some of the ones he made about a newbie game i held a while back, that i kept for narcisstic reasons

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Hmm, that’s just linking it



There we go

Narcistic reasons… i see…
cough and hides my judgemental gaze
I mean, neat~

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does this count as a wallpost?

Okay, so, I ain’t gonna have propper quotes in this because I’m writing it off site. Imma add numbers and poster to quotes so they be somewhat good, aye?

So, here is the list i posted that said who I’d be okay with lynching/yeeting/executing for the day:

Marly, Wind, Gonz, EVO, Eli (post number 1619)

So, what makes this an actually useful venture is this post from Marly:

“If EVO is town, every single bolded person in this list is town” (PN 1706)

-he bolded everybody but gonz

The reason why this is interesting is this:

The reactions gotten from it.

I’m specifically thinking about the reactions from those on that list, but i guess you can also go back and check all reactions. I suspect mafia not being ready to deal with that, so they should be caught off balance, somewhat.

My main take is on the people in that list, however.

Because town would be more willing to yeet me if they consider everybody in that list town too.

Mafia, however, would be a bit more queasy about it - if you lynch somebody off based on the premise of you being town, and the person flips town, that’s gonna but at least some sus on you

Or at least so goes my thoughts on the matter.

So here goes the analysis of what happened so far:

Eli immediately:

“I don’t like their slot either” (PN 1707)

Due to the suddenness/speed of the entire thing, there wasn’t much thought behind this, so this is an honest opinion.

I’d say that puts it more likely as a town reaction - considering the main reason Eli was on my list in the first place was basically only their first few posts seeming more of a chaos starter than an attempt at helping, they weren’t particularly high on my sus list in the frst place, so this prolly moves them more towards null/town

EVO - “why did he switch off me to marl btw?” (PN 1712)

I’m not sure if this is an honest question, or indirectly throwing shade.

People are generally more happy about not being voted instead of questioning the why, in my experience.

Also, timing was interesting

So EVO stays where he is, in terms of sus.

(Main reason i didn’t answer in the original readthrough was that i totally missed it, but: i was originally more sus of marl. The entire controversy my head has on them was the literal only thing that prevented me from voting marl earlier than that - and as soon as i started reconsidering the placement of my vote, it was only a question of time, basically. Added to that the immediate convo surrounding that, with wind and somebody else i think, is why it happened so fast? Maybe?)

Next up, despite not being on the list is cloned:

He reacts confused, which honestly can go either way (PN 1718 /1733)

…aaaaand this is the point where i check the thread and see everything went on to another topic, so I’m unlikely to get more out of this.

@marluxion i even said I’m grateful so that if you’re town, you could’ve continued! Smh

Mebbe it’s just the different culture thing though. Can’t get the stuff others try indircetly telling ya if that stuff is different, i guess… but still.

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can you like
quote them


do you know how to quote tho

dont be lazy, you can jump to specific post numbers easily with the bar on the right side

Initial post from me

These should be the mentioned quotes?


i know