I died a few days early and was still the topposter somehow :wowee:

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I mean you already have over a fifth of the posts in this thread, so this surprises me… not at all

why does that not surprise me lol


gorta: reads 1 person
gorta: votes 1 person

we’re MLing again here

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Who’s the right lynch then? And why?

I get the same feeling, but on the other hand I don’t really want the votes to rand

cloned if you’re town and evo is a wolf i want you to photoshop a shoe on your head tonight

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if evo is a wolf and there’s no shoe on your head first thing in the morning you’re lockwolf

I swear if I read through that game and then I get NK’d it’ll be just my luck lmao

tbh I think if I die, nobody’s actually going to vote you out, which maybe you already thought of

TP should be on you tonight with no exceptions if we have any

I always sleep with a shoe on my head just to make sure I wake up with one already there :slight_smile: it’s been a very successful strategy for making sure I never wake up as a lockwolf

then vote marl instead of EVO reee

cloned liked the post
this is a contractual agreement

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wind is still voting me

Pushes up lawyer glasses
Are you claiming there’s a binding contract?

@clonedcheese if evo is town you get to gloat at me tomorrow
if evo is scum we yeet scum

you have no downside here tbh

this is like
catgrill all over again
except EVO isn’t selfvoting
@everyone plz agree that marl’s not getting past D2

If evo is scum i’m not dying until nightkilled though


well yeah no shit
i highly doubt EVO is scum
because im 90% sure you’re scum