town fans vs 3p enjoyers

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I agree… i feel one of you is town… but which one, idk.

Neutral, because standing alone you don’t have to worry about teammates/opponents and can just confidently blast everyone!
Then again, i never did manage to roll neutral before, so this may be a bit of a rosy view

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I will tell it other way around, since you fail to understand.

I don’t say you are scum.

However, you started from arranging position for leader strategy.
I was planning to play instigator.

However, I’m in no way willing to follow you as a leader, especially considering how you tried to get new players on your side.

Do you understand this?

imagine having randed 3p


That’s a fair take…

Neutral, hands down.
Because everyone knows how neuts in I am.

Also Neutral can just feel so satisfying when you do well.
In FoL 29 when I was Fool, I interacted with the scumteam many many times.

And the performance which I was able to have with @Vulgard (I know they’re not in the game but I’m going to @ them because I’m still proud of it) was amazing. I worked out they were scum like early D1. As eloquently worded by Vul, I did this “The moment PKR claimed a red on kat as a response to Italy’s thunderdome, then backtracked in lockstep with me was amazing.”

It was so fulfilling and I think that neutrals can really provide that more than town and more than mafia.

I think mafia can be fun for me. But only when town is really motivated too. In the Thing Game, town lost WiM multiple times and myself and my team (Wind in particular) kinda felt down too and that we wanted things to be active so they could be satisfying as the current state wasn’t fun. It’s not fun to win games like that.

I think town can be fun for me too. I like it when I feel that I’ve done well and that I’ve put everything in and town for sure (like Mafia and neutrals) can provide that. Like say you’re an investigative and you get a good result, it’s amazing! E.G. In a game I was in, I was a JOAT and I caught Seth N1 as mafia bomber and I just felt so proud that I had correctly read the situation (I learned I needed to update my will though because it seemed so dumb when I flipped after correctly pushing Seth that day). Other town roles can be fun too but investigative gives extra oomph which I think I only get with that and maybe protectives?


cold as in “probably consensus”

Another reason I prefer neutral is I don’t have to feel like I’m being judged with a microscope like I am here. Since usually it’s not a disaster if I die.

But when I’m town or mafia I really put a lot of pressure on myself and right now I feel eyes on me from multiple people already and I’m just like “I’m being fucking misread again” and trying so hard not to break.


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cold take
PKR scum
hot take
eevee/PKR w/w

i prefer 3p too despite being absolute ass at it

this is like ArcticXII cold

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i do not see the w/w energy :wowee:

see ngl i kinda felt like eevee just… jumped reasonings with no explanation
kinda sus man

Town or neutral.
Cuz i feel less pressure to make big brain game play

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I don’t see why I cannot? It’s not easy to do so. But like, I soulread Marl and when Marl reads me usually they’re right. I was using it as backing my soulread.

Expand on it please.
I know it’s concensus because it’s damn clear but like, you specifically said it so come on then.

I’m really not trying to get anyone “on my side” and I’m getting really fucking pissed off that you seem to continue to not understand me saying that it’s not the case.

But like, sure. Gotcha queen

Oh? Do say more.

Which part is jumped?

Soul and gut reading don’t really work…

Also I still don’t get how you managed to get content out of a Seth copy pasta.

let me dissect it


slightly less hedge

correct but easily fakeable, this part is NAI