i mean yeah from my perspective you’re either a cocky townie who knows he’s good or a scum experienced enough to look like this

/vote lol @Zone_Q11

the EVO thing could be WIFOM or purposely chaining them together as a T/W pair as well. I want EVO’s word in here before he gets yote.

lol, time to defend yourself. If you’re town, it’s your job to change my mind.

ok what are your concerns

“A cocky towny who knows he’s good” means that I would be cocky but know that I am right. So you’re slipping that you are scum and that I’ve been right.

Keep going lol

Vote EVO over lol.
lol’s trying to save EVO

I’m concerned that you haven’t managed to move yourself up into my townreads yet.

it’s a pattern of you reading like half a sentence and going with that to push your agenda
read the entire sentence then try again lol

yes but I want answers from EVO first.

so i’m null, what’s the problem
i think pretty much no one has a read on me except pkr now so i’m concerned too

any ideas to make myself readable

I mean yes, logically EVO makes sense to vote out as yesterday’s counterwagon to Marl, but I don’t want him getting voted out before he comes back into the thread. I pinged him earlier so I expect I’ll see at least some sort of post from him when he comes back.

the concern would be that you’re going UTR while still maintaining a thread presence.
another concern, as PKR brought up, is that you seem to be defending EVO’s slot, although I’m not going to jump to conclusions quite yet and assume it’s because you’re a wolf team. it’s a possibility, yes, but I have other thoughts as well on it that I’d like resolved first.
somehow both you and PKR have gotten your alignments linked with EVO which I think is kind of crappy. who’s been pushing the narrative that everyone should be read off EVO’s alignment, anyway? it sounds like a scum narrative to be completely honest.

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You said lol seemed performative and acting an act out. How likely is it that the goal of that act was to get EVO lynched instead?
I mean… if that actually was an act, it’s pretty a pretty bad one. I somehow doubt that’s the level of this site’s mafia, aye?
I mean, if you end up making lols alignment dependent on EVO’s, and that EVO flips town, would that clear lol?
Or am i overthinking this?

i had a big argument with eevee, openly said i’d push you, and now an argument with pkr
don’t think im going utr or even trying to

my push was not based on evo’s allignment, that’s why i pushed pkr to begin with

what would the point of the act be? as far as i remember the moment day started evo already got 2 votes. it would be pretty redundant

Tbh, i’ve been reading that “scumslip” over and over again, and i’m just not getting the surety of it. Sure, a scumslip is one interpretation, but a scumslip needing a specific interpretation… does that still make it a scumslip?
Then again, I’ve barely ever seen a genuine fullblown scumslip before >.>

also if im mafia and evo is too what’s the point for me to make myself suspicious, which im not to begin with, to the point where i get lynched? what kind of role even justifies that? evo would just die d3 and i would die too, which is a shit position to be in for mafia

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I hear most people say that scumslips are a myth
on the other hand, every time I’ve called someone out on a scumslip they’ve been scum so shrug
there’s some merit to them, but take it with a grain of salt if you’re not the one who noticed it first tbh.

the only role I can think of that would benefit from this is some sort of a role that allows you to kill a number of players on a chosen wagon, like if you baited people to vote EVO and then killed half the town that way.
on the other hand that would be exactly the opposite of what PKR is saying and more what I was saying about potential WIFOM. it just makes the whole thing look really weird, though, and something’s not adding up for me.

from my pov situation is still the same, either pkr is grasping for straws to turn the situation on me or he’s town who’s really mad he’s being pushed for a thing as simple as not voting but he can’t really defend against it so he’s just pushing me harder and hoping im mafia

If it is an act, and it’s drawn up to be exactly as it currently went (maybe with some minor alterations), it would’ve gone something like:
->Getting somebody to associate you and EVO
→ getting evo lynched → Evo flips town
→ you got towncred for asslciation with a confirmed flip town

…but, on second thought honestly, that’s just not hoe things work. The only way this is a genuine thing is if you and PKR are scumbuddies and this entire thing is an act, which is doubtful

So it’s either an act that’s below mafia’s intellect level, or one above mafia’s intellect level.

That ain’t exactly working out in my mind.


or in this scenario pushing evo in hopes he flips scum and i look more suspicious than him so he can clear himself

supposed townslip is a plus but remember he’s been going around my arguments right now so im not as confident as windward rn