SFoL war flashbacks intensifies

They weren’t really townread by anyone else though either. They were just sorta floating in the middle of everyone’s read list I think.

It’s a metaread from Marl.

Basically something something Gorta not giving any crap = rand Town.

Uhh it sounds really dumb on paper… but I mean Gorta usually slacks so like weh.

You probably could’ve expressed this better… cause your post before Marl lonch compared to this seems a little contridictary? You were like going “Marl needs to die” and “Sacrifice Marl to the blood gods!” while he was still top wagon and it your posts there didn’t really give me the “I was hoping you could find errors in my push” sort of feel.

Well… it’s like 5 times probably?
BOTF Clown Fiesta
SFOL 64 (Granted they were town masons but weh)
Something else I’m probably forgetting…


Now that you mention this, I should probably look into this more.
I mostly sorta just forgot about PKR after making my scumread on them halfway through the day, but you do mention some interesting content from PKR during EoD now that I see it…

Fair enough.

Well yeah.
My point here is that the smol reads that Min made shouldn’t really have a big impact/influence on our current reads because scum probably don’t even remember them or care about them.

This makes me feel like scum just didn’t think about their scumkill at all and just randomly picked someone, but weh tinfoil.

Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure there’s a difference between Wind respecting Marl’s dead reads and Wind hypersheeping Marl’s dead reads and I’m pretty sure the first one is what they’re doing.

Pretty sure Marl even told Wind to follow his read and thoughts after his lonch, and to not give up and lose all her WiM, so it’d be a dick move to not atleast take a look at what Marl left behind as a legacy.

Wind’s or Marl’s?


But why?

I know you explained PKR/Eevee and thought their interaction at SoD1 was wolf theatre but why do you scumread me and Eli?

Alright cool. Thanks for answering my question.

Which reads do you disagree with?

Why do you want Cloned to claim PR or non-PR now?

This seems pointless pretty sure.

Investigatives will check whoever they consider scum, why does it matter if they are PR or not?

Foolish Gorta, you underestimate me and my tenacity after playing 1K hour of torture button simulator

This is probably a meme post but wat


I think that’s what they’re trying to get at for your case

I mean from what I’ve seen, most people when they say they found a scumslip are just trying to death tunnel someone really hard and there is no scumslip at all.

It’s more like them going calling it TMI rather than a scumslip.

Interesting… that is spicy.

Not sure why you would be concerned though? It’s natural to hold back a redcheck for a day if you want to judge interactions and stuff but I’m not sure what mechanic would do that? Like you have millers I guess, and framers/mindwarpers, but weh.

I disagree.

I think he should hold on until halfway of the day. Revealing a little early is a little meh and sorta corners town into doing X or Y and completely ignore some things.

Also this post gives me wierd vibes I don’t like it.

here is why you should use a notepad for wallposts like I am doing right now.

Fancy but how do I read this.

Why am I scum zone?

Is it because you’re hoping to pressure me?

Min read maybe because the arrow is leading there?

Some other reason???

Min had like two posts on me that were NAI and that I honestly couldn’t care about if I was scum why is Wind acting like it’s some sort of strong scumlean from Min against me??

What’s wrong with my reasoning?

Well no I did it to encourage EVO to give me a proper case since I was willing to hear him out but he didn’t do much so that failed.


Why are you expecting me to have strong reads from yesterday?

Daga Kotowaru

His scumread on me was “hey intensify not doing the thing he did from last town game and then nothing else.”

Like I don’t get why everyone is expecting me to have god reads or some crap by the end of day 1…

Like wtf did Catgirl Jester Nightless do how I appeared to everyone.

ConclusIon?: No idea I spent 4 hours on this and I need help.

I like lol a lot better now actually, they have an aggressive tone but it’s a good one, so I’ll give them a townlean. Other than that… I’m still pushing EVO. The redcheck is interesting but we’ll see. I don’t expect EVO to be hammered so there’s enough time for him to out the redcheck.


that was a huge wowee image lol

can agree with this. PKR did it earlier when asking Cloned to out as well and then said he knew it would result in him getting SR’d so uh, idk what to think about that. Kind of aggressive and I suspect there’s a reason for it but I didn’t want to delve into that right away.

eh, just that min didn’t TR you
they did TR Cloned though and I think that’s the only TR they mentioned

partly going off what Aelin said in the post you quoted from her, partly going off something Marl said as well. While I don’t think I’d be so easily willing to SR you purely off the game Marl is comparing you to, I have my own doubts on you. But you have the chance to prove me wrong, so be my guest.

Nah, not me. I’m taking into account BotF, as much as it may pain you, since you were town there and I read you wrong. Meaning that I obviously did not know how to read you correctly there, so what I was attempting to read you off there was not what I should have been reading you off.

I mean they didn’t townread many people. Why am I being singled out reee

They’re looking at Catgirl Jester Nightless and going “oh yeah Intensify not playing this way”, which is basically a crappy meta read. Like when has meta ever worked on me. I don’t play to a specific way so like I don’t know what else to tell you. There’s a lot more people here compared to CJN as well which makes a bigger difference. In CJN, people are stumping, so I took the initiative to you know, move the thread forward. In here, I just want to chill and be more relaxed but reeee they not allowing me to do it.

I play BOTF and FM differently tho.

In BOTF, I like to focus on the bluffing and lying aspect, which can be used to my advantage to further my win condition. In here, I obviously can’t bluff since it’s closed and it does almost nothing for me.

I also had strong mechanical knowledge that PKR was lying in BOTF, that being that I directly CC’ed PKR’s Amnesiac claim and thus was in a thunderdome with him.

And also like I said before, don’t try to metaread me, it doesn’t work. I’m not gonna play the exact same every time for some reason, cause I’m not like that.

There might be some things that I might just do in general, and they’re mostly NAI.

that’s a completely fair point, yeah. I had no problem speccing the game because it was so slow lol.

eh, I wasn’t trying to metaread you. I know you had mech knowledge in BotF and it was a matter of convincing the rest of us that your mech knowledge was legit, but I meant more specifically that just comparing your previous games and comparing your tone did not work there. I’m mostly trying to get a hold of your thoughts and see how they’re formed to determine my read on you.

I mean alright if you want to toneread then go ahead.

I don’t think it’s effective, but shrug.


I’m waiting for EVO to reveal their redcheck in about 3 hours since that’s when Half of day is over.

no I said I’m not tonereading you


I thought you encouraged EVO to hold outing his check for another day, or did you just mean that’s sort of a normal thing?

I said like until half of day passes, so in about 2 hours.

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During his controversy, i still feel he’s town lean. But around the EoD1 i think i saw him online and not seeing him vote anyone makes me sus of him…

Me not cannot read.

My thoughts are yes.

I’m making more thoughts tho I think.

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i forgot how self aware PKR’s been the whole time, and not just with saying he’d probably be SR’d for asking Cloned to out his role.

last PKR posted was this post (still think it’s a pun and not a serious post) about 1 hour before EoD, if that’s what GonZ meant about seeing PKR online around EoD.

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Oh i guess pkr was waiting for the last minute to vote…

Responding to pings and reading later

That sentence says “hope you see i was mostly right in my reasoning, except for the fact that i was wrong”
Like “hope u understand that u were scummy”

My post right after that addresses some of your concern.

And yet you wanted to force me to “make a case” at EoD1?

If I don’t get more meaningful discussion I probably won’t even bother until I’m about to be lynched. Give me a case, Intensify.

And by that I mean say my bit like marl and yeet myself lmfao

So far, I have PKR and Intensify nervous about my redcheck.

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I think drawing out my reveal is more rewarding than not tbh

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I’ll read it

this meta read needs to die

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You were in the top wagon so I was expecting you to have some sort of case or something, or else how else would you normally get out of the top wagon? I’m not asking for all 15 reads from you either, I’m just asking for one case on someone.

Well I don’t have much to say other than PKR also bad. Eli Tiger lol are pretty good. Wind and Eevee are trending up.