I do remember you! You were in the Thing Game! And others too…
In the past… yeah, all those ones.



Post game I’ll have a whole discussion about it, because I agree, but I do think there are exceptions

PKR I was literally in your first game on this site btw, with this same host

I mean first games are forgettable.

Personally I’d like to forget my first two games as they were nightmares

I have purposefully forgotten many games. Which I know I’ve been in with EVO too e.g. ToS FM where I self hammered as vigilante and gave stalker the win

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Thing Game (This taught me to let inactivity exist if I’m scum)
Insurgency FM (This is my proudest mafia game)
Dreaming Gods and Dreaming Titans (This mostly doesn’t exist)
ToS FM 2 (This doesn’t exist for me)
NUF FM (This partly doesn’t exist)

Oh wow…

DGADTFM… woooh good times… when everything was super great until it was not and I somehow got lonched as consensus townread…

DGADTFM looks based
a shame i didn’t sign up in time for it

or even have an account
i might’ve had an account but i never used it until 2 months later

It was based until Seth decided I was a SK Cleaning Doc… somehow…


thank you seth
very cool

I mean the don’t town read me for not existing part

No Exe!!
Bait: Ask me again after D3, if I last until then.

So you’re of the 3 wolves group?

o.o I thought sheeps were rather rare on here. And then with sweeping… I can related if someone made an in-depth persuasive piece… But “100% correct reads” in this original case sounds scammy.


i hope its cdecora that was my 5th guess

+1 on overreaction. Don’t think it’s scummy enough to scumlean though.
Don’t know. For a day 2, I probably wouldn’t start defending until 3 votes or so. Or if I was floating around during a tie situation but didn’t move.
TLDR, just +1 on the extended explanation was a bit much.

I’m obviously campaigning for ‘no exe’. To my knowledge… D1 meaning is the same as D2 meaning… So… o.o
Bait: You can wait until…D4. There’s really no con.

@everyone Vote No Exe! <.< Is that actually an account, feel bad.

:thinking: There was another part I wanted to quote, not really game-relevant though but…
pat pat pat Glad you’re feeling better. Just do whatever feels natural and would help you be ‘happy’. What we/everyone thinks doesn’t really matter, we’ll get used to it.

And then, regarding me, worry over me two more days? :wink:
Vote No Exe!

@GonZ Wanted to quote your vote post but it disappeared.
My response: Interesting.

munches popcorn I bet GonZ! Not because I think they’re particularly sus for content reasons but because they voted me! Irony to flavor my popcorn.

o.O Evo suddenly became very… persuaded(?) of the fact that (1) there’s a neutral and (2) he might have caught a neutral?
Is this a thought process I should learn and apply to future games if I rand cop? Under closed set-up?

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well he said his result either goes ‘‘town’’ or ‘‘not town’’ and not ‘‘town’’ or ‘‘mafia’’ so it makes sense to think that

Ah. I see it. Missed it.

I see… this is useful. Thanks~