With the yellow check I meant to say, i wouldn’t be surprised if any of them are non-town aligned.
I guess i messed up the lingo a bit there.

Although now with the PKR claim, I’ll probably have to reevaluate some things there

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Just enjoy some ice cream served by me.
Do you wish for some vanilla? Strawberry? Chocolate?

Why not all 3.

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ah, ok.
my current thoughts are that if any of them are neuts, only cdecora and maybe GonZ have neut equity, but that most likely there aren’t neuts in this game and everyone’s either wolf or town.




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i want mint chocolate but that’s not an option apparently

I like lemon sherbet

Mint chocolate is the best.
It’s a shame I’m just those 3 flavours.

I don’t even like vanilla that much

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vanilla’s ok, although the kinds of vanilla i really like are the old-style and the french vanilla ones. regular vanilla is what I’d consider a “safe backup” lol.

You have very fine taste

I’m just picky lol

If people don’t get my claim do I have a right to question their sight?

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inb4 someone comes into the thread, skims it, and votes you saying ice cream is irrelevant to the game


To be honest, i have no idea what you’re claiming

Issat related to the 3p talk from D1? Didn’t know what that was, but in the beginning it seemed irrelevant and missed the right timing to ask about it >.>

No no. 3P is 3rd Party aka Neutral.
I’m town, bb

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oof, I got it right away lol

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Okay then, as long as it makes sense to somebody

his extremely blatant soft makes sense to me
the question I have is whether it makes sense with EVO’s role
but it’s a closed setup so I guess I can’t and shouldn’t be metagaming Zone’s setup

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Why do you think EVOs cop claim made me more sus on em?

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