I mean we don’t even know if Eevee is mech oracle or not.

They haven’t responded.

eevee isnt mech oracle they just know

Well so far none of you are jumping to claim PR to contradict Eevee’s “result”

So I’m waiting for that confirmation

Why would any other PR do that?

eevee could easily be mafia and guessing the number of town prs that could exist

wouldn’t pass on that theory


You said a random specific result that Eevee never mentioned. What type of stupid Pr idiot would jump onto that?

Hence why I included Eevee as possible mafia

Setup design is my passion.


I like how myself and Eevee haven’t been voting by EoD both Day 1 and Day 2.

I dunno how you could come to idea there can be mech oracle in this setup to begin with, lmao.

That’s… not exactly true.

Bro, look
I’m finding anything to hold on to rn.

And having a setup with a fucking 2 shot doc and a neopolitan is weird to me

Vs a Magistrate and all that y’know.

Then I’ve been misreading EoDs lol

Yeah, it’s not weird.

How am I wrong eevee? >.>

Whatever. Maybe you’re right there. I’m not used to it.

Look, I guess I’ll just out my check in a bit and die tonight or something

You are.
I don’t think it changes anything tho.


well its too late for that if you voted evo or me and no one saw it too bad

I literally just quoted the posts for both EoDs. Don’t say I’m wrong when I’m not. Ya confusing me for no reason

PKr, that’s not relevant anyway.