Dang, that’s a lot
Good job

Math is very useful in certain setups.

This is just not a case.


math was fun in quantum mafia


@Tilgarial this is mainly a question to you, but everyone else can also answer if they want.

If randing the vote is a wolfy thing, doesn’t it mean Aelin specifically did not want EVO to get voted out? Because since there weren’t enough votes on lol the first time Aelin voted him, the top wagon was EVO, but when I voted Intensify Aelin switched her vote to follow mine, and when I switched to lol, Aelin followed again. What I’m saying is that if EVO is town, there wouldn’t be much reason not to just let him die if we assume randing the vote is wolfy and not towny.

did i not explain that in my wallpost
i think Aelin’s opportunistic vote placed on you and then lol yesterday (after the first attempt to wagon lol failed) kind of spews you as town

How does lol spew me as town?

oh here we go again, you’re not reading what i say correctly
lol does not spew you as town
aelin does

Oh nevermind

because Aelin only voted you after i placed my vote on you

Also something’s wrong with your PoE Wind and there’s sorta a noticeable pattern.

All 3 people in your PoE was LHFs I’m pretty sure.

This seems like a PoE for daisaster


Either way.

If we assume that PKR is town…

  1. Mafia has most likely one PR left (cause vanilla cop)
  2. Town had 2-shot doc and vanilla cop at least.

Now… 2-shot doc is useless per themself, as it needs to save 2 people for it to be of any use for town.
OR to be used only after town PR outs to protect them, so they live a moment longer.

Second option is plain toxic game design, as it promotes follow the cop.
Also toxic cause PKR wasn’t killed NOR roleblocked. Which means scum doesn’t really have a good way out of follow the cop scenario, that’s why doc was 2-shot.

So we are going with the first option.
Which leads to question of “What other role can benefit from 2-shot doc existance and blocking kills”.

Answers are several, like… roleblocker or vigilante or vengful or bpv or hider.
But it’s still narrowing stuff down when it comes to 3rd town role mostly to killers or nigh-kill interferers.

Now, considering scum has most likely 2 roles, 3 towns would be around fine~ when it comes to mech night play balance.

4th town role, if existing (most likely not), would require to be something along the social side of the balance, or plain support.
Doublevoter, neighborizer / hood or… just universal backup to counter possibility of town PR dying n1.

As per scum… considering existing flip and that PKR is not dead nor blocked… I would go into invest or… one more social role.

Second social role would make sense if there is neutral which can cooperate with mafia, witch-like for example.

Altho it’s very unlikely and most likely mafia just has some support-like ability, which is not directly responsible for interfering with town actions.

Also there is scenario where PKR is just scum and it flips this analysis upside down.
But tbh… that is gonna be obvious as game progresses, so I’m not gonna do analysis on that rn.

tl;dr - 2-shot doctor sucks.


What if it’s just a miller lmao

…maybe you’re right, I can’t quite fit that into things without it being some sort of early-styled bussing attempt by aelin

Though, the fact that wolves would have differing views on random lynch is something that could rather easily be explained by the need to communicate that difference?

@GonZ @cdecora @EliThePsycho

Weird prod, but you guys are PoE. I don’t believe all 3 of you are completely scum at all, cause this PoE seems weirdly setup as all 3 of you have the common trait of being LHFs and I highly doubt even 2 of you are scum.

So if you are town, do us a favor and convince us that you’re not scum.


I noticed this too, but, aelin would have been in that category as well, so I don’t feel like it’s necessarily a bad thing


yes no yes no.

I don’t think Aelin was a LHF?

Usually they aren’t atleast for me.

Plus I’ve seen countless times how easy LHFs get big fricky in the PoE.

This PoE doesn’t seem right at all. We’re definitely misclearing someone.

That is probably true.
But it’s also only wind’s PoE
Who would be in your PoE?

that’s a fair point
I was taking Aelin as the most active wolf and assuming town was just yeeting itself off a cliff but you’re right

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Bastard if uninformed.
Would claim rn if informed.