@Tilgarial or GonZ I guess.

Quick question, does he always act like this?

This is predicated on the assumption it’s some sort of ability.
If you’re just tryin’ to get no exe, just… ignore this, or something

Decora’s playstyle is usually a bit more active, but also a bit more suspicious(excluding this no exe thing), regardless of alignment
Though, i don’t think I remember decora ever voting no exe in any game i played with them, so shrug

Oh boy another PR claim question Mark?

-nod nod- D3’s very crucial.

pat pat It’s fine, it’s fine.
sigh Have to close your small every time…

Which is… why I’m saying, just consider it. And further consider it if we get into a similar situation like D1 and D2. nod nod It’s quite difficult to accept.

nod NUF definitely isn’t ‘no exe’-friendly.

and what you want to do is no exe

It’s not like we aren’t either, town is fricking bloodthirsty

i don’t like cdecora
/vote cdecora

their entire slot is just
focused around no-exe
from what i remember

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Play style is interesting will say the least…

But not enough to vote them just yet.

I’d rather hear them out first might have some interesting reason for doing so.

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nod no exe for D3
For full disclosure D4 + one person cleared, if I survive N3.

o.o Ah, yes. We have that too.

nod That is true.

Very interesting. Very popcorn. Tragic though.

nice PR soft

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Personally… I don’t mind this… But… It feels like a waste.

Thank you~

So what if you just die

From scum kill or any other sort of nightkill

Then I survive and get another result.
And we’ve solved a slot which is in contention atm



Do I believe cdecora?
No, not really.

But I can provide logical arguments for what “would happen” if they’re telling the truth here

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I’m a little confused cause can’t he just die and there goes the clear or some crap?