[quote=“EVO, post:3551, topic:87229, full:true”]

Idek how many times I’ve quoted this by now.

Regarding your endless non-reads and mech talk, in other words, fluff.

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You have me on repeat to make this threadstate chaotic and unproductive

And you STILL managed to avoid giving reads. You aren’t squirming your way out of this.

That’s exactly what I said?

Your points are:

  1. eevee refuses to do reads
  2. Scum likes to hide behind mech talk and do nothing.

Now… 1 is fact.

2 is opinion, which you didn’t even consider if it applies here, nor did you think if it’s true. You didn’t do any research either.

What I was always trying to ask you is “Where did you get 2 from and why it applies here”.
You never actually answered this.

See? If you actually could prove that what I do is scummy, instead of argumenting “Cause mom told me so”… maybe you would convince someone.

But you don’t put any analysis.
You put 2 facts. One which is known and second which is… general basic tier 0 read I guess?

And you don’t check if that applies here.
Not at all.

I am not in the habit of over explaining simple truths.

Being dodgy is suspicious. Common knowledge.

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EVO, I was trying to progress your read further and see what comes out of it.
Most likely you would get to conclusion it doesn’t apply here.

But look, Tilger actually went further and analyzed if it’s the case.
So did Windward.

So did many others.

You are stuck on 2 facts, with ZERO analysis attached to it.
You just threw two things together and consider your work done.

Overall you are anti-town, moreso than the other coasters, as you provoke pointless conversation loops that threaten the productivity of town.

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Good quetsion.

Am I dodgy?


Okay, how?

Well putting aside this VERY SITUATION

everything you do goes back to fluff. You create entire machinations of discussion with no practical purpose. You didn’t even Play the game until EoD2, and when day 3 starts you just dance around and distract everyone for 48 hours.

Hey, eevee, give me reads


Hmm what a towny person

I couldn’t.

Fair, I work so I understand that, but :eyes:

No, I literally couldn’t talk in this game.
Login issues.

That’s also why I said I couldn’t vote EoD1 to begin with.
And why I said I saw your test earlier, but couldn’t react.

Please don’t make NAI stuff into arguments.

Oh? And why no vote EoD2? Why no punishment mention from the host? You obviously have a voting related PR, and I think people can decide on their own what is and isn’t AI

If you think so, there is already one flipped mafia voting related PR.