To be fair, I started only one of them.

They did this in Joat13… hid their reads… and then they dies night 2 cause scum needed to lynch an interesting slot and they needed Eevee out of the way

Actually it’s neither.

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Excuse me, in Joat13 I outed my reads and they were all 100% correct?

Literally whole town and scum team, together with correct roles?


Yeah, something like that.
And if it’s mafia doing a play, I just can’t see the intended endresult. He’s not going to have any basis for credibility during later game, so everything he’ll say will be doublechecked. Only way to work there is with facts and objective truths. The only advantage for mafia i could see, is basically a clean slate while everybody else has previous reads that might make them seem inconsistent or something?

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well i don’t see eevee being nightkilled anytime soon
we have prs galore and eevee is mostly nullread or scumread



I remember you hiding your reads or some crap

I said that forcing READLISTS is bad, as noone should be forced to read everyone at once.
That was our arguments, yeah.

However I did one person at a time and on day 2 solved a game completely.
Down to a single PR and mafia slot.

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Oh my bad then


You may not be wrong, but that’s still a majority of all fights this game where one side is you
Can’t believe there are enough where i can actually use majority in that context though, lol

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Some of this fights were useless.

Others… actually useful.

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Also Tilg.

Funny part, do you remember what is my target in this game?
I said it day 1 during the leader thing.

Being the instigator?

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Didn’t expect you to remember tbh.

That’s a rather new concept for me, so you’ll have to accept some reluctance at taking it at face value

Me neither, tbh
My memory isn’t meant to be good


If you want there are some english articles about eastern mafia, but tbh most of better ones are in russian.

But in short - Instigator is person meant to create situations where people who will lead the town can draw information from and make some decision with.

It’s called instigator, as most peolpe react differently under the emotional stress.
Pressure is good example. Anger is another.

But that’s not only way.
Other is by being annoying to leaders and pointing out all flaws in theirs thought process, to make sure it’s actually thought trough and is… in good intentions (aka. demasking scum leaders).

That’s why I keep saying eastern style is deeper than american argueing over reads. Becouse it actually acknowledges mafia is a team game.


Well anyway, if you think from this PoV, look at arguments and me pointing flaws in WA analyzing process or giving PKR some setup analysis he can back up on… does that fit the description? :wink:

the way I see it, I still need to look at eevee, but eevee typically does little or fluff posts till endgame, which is why it was weird seeing eevee make an effort d1

I won’t say it’d scummy that he is putting effort in though