/vote gorta

Dont worry, I got you.

call it “trees”, but that damn fence job from last summer is coming back

oh don’t worry, I have plans to look at a few people first

I meant reverse one.

I was saving you from rand :^)

let’s give all except 1 person a vote.

style on em

Well, it is late, but Im so much inclined to try this, lmao.


If you dont have hard wish to save someone, or other people saved same people you wanted to save… you just dont vote.

No forcing saves on people you are unsure if you want to save.

Wind speaking in walls gives me paranoia over her being a wolf

the reasoning is that fewer people are likely to not read said posts and something like this will allow her to skate by and get townread, but it’s paranoia on my end

Hey, I asked them to make theirs analysis into something understandable and coherent.

Cause like… remember theirs previous one and conclusions?
I dont tbh. It was a mess.

Blame me for it.

Why are you paranoid over something that’s NAI for Wind


i think my analysis was better

  1. wasn’t a wall
  2. i got 1 more read than wind did
  3. i made it
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Tbh you analyzed 4 worldviews, they did 6.

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Or actually Im not sure if I dont mess people up rn.

i usually ramble about alternate stuff after

don’t like doing ‘‘what if’’ stuff inside my read it feels kinda hedgy to me
whatever i feel strongest about is what matters, if you want to argue that’s the time for alternations

no you’re accurate i think

I really am not opposed to Eli dying today. I honestly don’t like how he interacts with Aelin and throws shade around. There isn’t much content either. This isn’t frozen wolf Eli, but his posting does remind me of his wolf plays

i agree

/vote Eli