Mine also says I have no heart, it says I have brain tho :^)

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You… you’re a ginger sociopath?!



We have two VTs dead and a lot more VT claims or something

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: (
well that’s kind of sad

Okay, I should stop softing stuff for memes.

It’s funny how confused you are tho :^)



Mine has a cool red color! I don’t know what i means though when it says I’m a goon, kinda rude tbh

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can we not talk about rolecards because i almost townslipped so hard i would be modkilled

VT rolecards already flipped lol.

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oh im blind

I mean we’re obviously joking about it.

You could probably claim 3rd party Lost Town Scum Mason and mods wouldn’t really care.

I am actually seriously saying my rolecards doesn’t say I have heart if you know what I mean :^)

Honestly i have no good read on lol or intensify on them
I even slight scumread them… and evo was a total mafia from my view. But WA’s analysis looks solid.
So evo, lol and intensify got a town citizenship badge for now.

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Ah yes I see you’re using the “sheep Wind wallpost” strategy… it’s a very common town strat

Hey, if it’s solid. It’s worth sheeping for.

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It worked, you get followers :^)


i see i’m not failing in the persuasion department today

Alright alright Intensify.
I see further up you had voted me.
I just caught up on 500 posts so I got a fair bit to say.

Wind, that wall was amazing. I know you are skilled enough to pull it off as any faction though so I won’t be sheeping you for that alone. However, I feel like it’s given me some things to look into specifically between you and Eevee.

Although this might seem like a random team I think that Wind/Eevee can be removed from the possibilities simply because it seems as if interactions between the duo happened fully in the thread, like, there was no sort of accidental jump or nothing that was a “missed opportunity” to discuss.

I think Eevee also handled the criticism (Well, somewhat criticism) well on their argumentative nature when Eevee tried to remind people of their aims this game. And despite the fact that due to how he had argued with me on D1 and I’ve somewhat “wanted to be able to scumread” him… I just kinda can’t? I don’t think Eevee is “town leader” material, but, their thoughts could be useful not just in this game but future ones.

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Yes I have voted you.


It’s fascinating, especially since you revealed it was for pressure.
Like, do you expect me to cave suddenly?

I think you realise that I was the first claimer and I’ve explained my thought process via what I’ve done fairly logically (considering it’s me) this game.

I’m caught up so like you can “depressurise” me now.