Checking me is pointless tbh.

If I wanted to, I’d be much easier to claim something like ascetic to ignore Nea assuming PKR is town and I’m scum in this world



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it would be easier, but in the event PKR checked you anyway (like he says he will) he’d find himself redirected instead of just not getting results, which would indicate that the mafia have some form of a redirector role


Well yes, this is assuming mafia has a beguiler type of role I guess.

I still go against it

Beguiler is a role that disguises a result though, right?

That wouldn’t work with redirection

i just read the role description of beguiler and it’s like a self-targeting deflector who can choose whom to deflect to

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Something isn’t adding up there, intensify

Wait I thought beguiler was a simple redirector role

Ah. Nvm then

not exactly
it’s a hider + deflector with the choice of whom to redirect to

Sorry, i misunderstood >.>

Oh I’m stupid.

A simple redirector role is literally called a redirector

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Ok then.

I thought it had some cool fancy name like half the roles do

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It’s almost as if it’s in the name.
Or literally it is the name.

Well ok but most mafia role names don’t make sense.

Like wtf is a mason, those are like people who make bricks how come they know who each other are.

Do they have a brick society somewhere?

Mason is also the name of a middleages(?) Secret society. If you listen to the right conspiracy “theorists” they’re still around


Builders have unions! And masons used to make bricks which builders would use to make houses and stuff.

And of course they would know each other, contractually they’re often having to work with each other.

I have family who’s in the industry sorta and I’ve been to work sites.

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Ye, that too.

it’s more in the sense of a freemason than a brick mason lol
but PKR is also right