Yeah, and I know more or less what it is.
Same as GonZ role by now.

It’s better to just lynch scum.
But atm I don’t feel it’s possible for town to lynch scum.

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i thought the complaints had to do with your activity levels in this game and not what you thought about other people’s activity levels


oh right i thought it was just ‘‘D4’’ for some reason

I got like 10 minutes

ok, so I probably did pick up on it correctly.

I have a feeling if we vote someone out today it’s going to be a poorly placed vote because of how chaotic it was without the VC

and it’s looking like Eli is going to get yote, and I somehow doubt he’s gonna show up in the thread within the next hour

I’m willing to clear EVO now because them wanting Eevee dead out of spite doesnt seem like scum following an agenda at all and also it’s a dumb idea

Well, I sorta was forced to go to my dad’s work today (Which I hate because I fucking despise building because manual labour ain’t my style)
From like 7AM until 2PM.

And before that funnily enough I needed sleep.

So if yall are complaining that I’ve fallen off activity wise recently, I do have legitimate reasons why.

My heart says yeet the one that keeps interrupting our scumhunts with irrelevant fluff

One small lesson in craziness:
You can be totally right, and that makes you crazy
Crazy is that which stands out, that which deviates from the norm.
Being Crazy doesn’t necessarily mean that you are crazy. Sometimes it is everybody else that is crazy!

But because they’re all crazy, you are actually crazy for standing out!

I would rather be homeless than work a hard labor job

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So what type of conspiracy theory are you trying to present to me today

are we confident in eli scum or do we go for no exe ill go with whatever most people agree on

I’m not ok with it.

Same though, ngl.
I’m studying law for a reason because I ain’t doing this construction business.

It ruins the softness of my hands.
And I fucking love self pampering.

No, he is towny as hell

every time i think maybe i wouldnt mind a manual labor job, i remember that i once got pretty far in the hiring process for one and the idea of shift work in the production line was an immediate turn off

Zone is scum, Zone needs lynching!

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Wow I can’t believe Athiest (Townsfolk) from Blood on the Clocktower: Unreleased Script: The Tomb was so popular that they made it into a real thing

I don’t think Eli is towny as hell, but I don’t want to vote him because my gut tells me not to.

I’m between two choices at the moment and I’m deciding which one is the least idiotic tbh.