d1? big balls

oh, not D1
but in the Thing Game it was the first day we lost anonymity
so kind of D1-esque since we had a lot of reworking to do on reads

I mean… it also depends on the time but if Aelin and Eli W/W, why the hell is Aelin trying to hardbus like near SODish times

definetly not hardbus, and if it was supposed to be it was super awkward

I don’t think Aelin would try to hardbus Eli in the first half of D1
meme voting a scummate, however, is not ludicrous

(and yeah I hardbussed right at EoD in that game, not at the start of the day)

Why hardbus a scum when you can hardbus a town


how much sus did Aelin keep on Eli on D2? I don’t remember off the top of my head.

A little bit?

I don’t remember as well

Voting interaction

then it’s followed by a bunch of memery and aelin votes intensify for no reason, pretty much

and very small mentions after that, usually someone just above eli in scumminess, like me or evo.

this is a decent post regarding eli, but it’s in a massive wall

and that’s about it, regarding eli, other than the vote analysis ,ofcourse that’s assuming i didn’t miss anything

where did it all go? i think it was


a little bit

they had the option to vote eli d2 since he wasn’t townread yet but they voted me and intensify, and im pretty sure i was voting or atleast suggesting eli so that alone is saying that there wasn’t that much sus coming from aelin

by townread i mean they havent stated ‘‘oh i think eli is townie’’ from what i saw, he was in limbo of ‘‘kinda sus’’

it’s fair to ignore it but didn’t even ask why

if we don’t want to go for eli would like to see reads on tilgarial, i noted pkr as not very confident town read but if there is a lot of townreads towards them, there must be a reason why

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I want to go into something again on Tilgarial, but not quite yet
I’ll get to it in a bit; I just need to double check something first

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Cause it wasn’t deserved?

If there was vig, they would just get shot.
But there wasn’t.

could hang him, would have the same effect js

Yeah, that’s what I said.

“They didn’t deserve the win”, as in they didn’t work on it.
But doesn’t mean we need to make them lose to take revenge on them doing nothing.


And tbh let’s stop discussing this part, I’m tired with explaining this one more time.

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Actually… I’m just not gonna discuss at all today.

Have fun.

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