add Eli to the “am I totally wrong?” pile
gonna check something when i wake up

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Tilgarial Intensify 1/4
[Not Voting] WindwardAway, an_gorta_pratai, PokemonKidRyan, EVO, EliThePsycho, Tilgarial 6

EOD5 is at 2021-04-07T20:00:00Z.

Wind isn’t even confident in the Tilga deep wolf thing : /

/vote PKR

Back to this I guess

/vote Tilgarial

More confident on Tilga than on PKR, though

I gave it more thought and since Tilga isn’t in any danger of getting hammered right now, I’ll vote them now. Off the top of my head I have reasons for SRing them, but I’ll post a detailed case later.

Well… okay then.

Hmm… okay, this is gonna be an awkward defense, but I can’t let ya lynch me when we only have 1 potential mislynch left.

Let’s go off on the premise that i actually am mafia. Who is my scumbuddy?
You’ve been saying it’s PKR? (Though, you were also saying his role is likely town, so eh. I may be misunderstanding something there.)

I’m gonna go collect the EOD votes so far again, I don’t remember who was where. And I didn’t actually pay attention to my own relations in that regard, lol

As far as I’m aware it’s not lylo, so we only have 2 mafia left confirmed

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Day 1 EOD votes

Day 2 EOD votes

Day 3 EOD votes

Day 4 EOD votes

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Ehh… i tried doing a selfanalysis, but that really just ain’t my thing.
But yes, I’m asking ya to see who my scummate would be if i actually am scum, @WindwardAway

In the meantime, i’ll do some of my own analysis

Also, while this is already on topic, appologies for missing D4 EOD
EOD is kinda late here, and I fell asleep a couple hours before it was time >.>
I’m kinda wondering why there’s 4 people that haven’t voted that day though, lol

gonna answer that once I ISO you. If I can’t find any leads, then I suppose it might change my mind.

I was over at a friend’s place playing board games and nearly forgot about EoD, popped in here to see how much time was left, and got distracted and didn’t come back until a couple minutes after EoD but forgot that I hadn’t placed a vote lol. At the very least I should’ve voted a no exe to avoid getting a warning point, but I didn’t think of that when I briefly checked in.

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To make things a bit more visible, the votes from people that are still left:
Marl - Wind, EVO, Intensify, Eli
EVO - gorta, Tilga /(Aelin)
No exe - PKR

EVO - Eli, Gorta
Lol - Wind, EVO, Tilga /(aelin)
PKR - intensify
No vote - PKR

Eli - PKR, Gorta
Eevee - EVO
PKR - intensify
Decora - Eli
No exe - wind, Tilga

Eevee - EVO, Eli, PKR
PKR - intensify
No vote - Tilga, wind, gorta

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on D3, Eli also voted Eevee

wait no I can’t read, sorry lol
that was D4
Eli voted cdecora on D3

When I put it like that, PKR and intensify aren’t looking good, lol
I haven’t been paying much attention to non-topwagons, so I didn’t notice before, but you two really haven’t had your votes anywhere relevant besides intensify D1, lmao
Regardless of alignment, that’s kinda funny

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Oops, missed one >.>

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Aelin voted EVO over marl, and lol over EVO
I dunno if that is particularly alignment indicative, and I kinda remember we analysed that and how it came about before, so I’ll put my effort elsewhere

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
PokemonKidRyan Intensify 1/4
Tilgarial WindwardAway 1/4
[Not Voting] an_gorta_pratai, PokemonKidRyan, EVO, EliThePsycho, Tilgarial 5

EOD5 is at 2021-04-07T20:00:00Z.



Pulling these up too

Claims (alive):
Eli - ninja sleepwalker
PKR - vanilla cop
Intensify - nexus

Remaining: wind, tilga, EVO, gorta

Hmm… I can’t see wind being very scummy right now, unless she is w/w with one of the claims

It just wouldn’t make much sense to make the claims have weight/be believed otherwise, because it’d severely limit the PoE to a point that includes herself

But if we take the claims for true, that only leaves gorta and EVO, for my personal PoE
Which tbh doesn’t strike me as a team