what if the team is exactly PKR and Eli
I see that PKR voted Eli on D3 when the plurality was building on no exe, but instead of voting Eli on D4 he decided that Eli was towny and voted eevee instead.

it would work as a team because it resolves the conflict between the PR balance
but… it’s also weird and I need to think about it more

/unvote @Zone_Q11

gonna hold my vote for a while longer.

If that’s the team, I dunno why eli claimed
It put him kinda into the focus of things, and with PKR being the vanilla cop, he doesn’t have a reason for it

Actually, did he claim before or after PKR outed himself as vanilla cop?

I have no idea how that happened → the big word stuff

the thing that’s been bothering me is that neapolitans and vanilla cops are usually mafia-aligned roles.
the only way it can be a town-aligned role is if it’s nerfed (vanilla cop being weaker than neapolitan) and/or if town has a negative utility role which can throw it off (and we have two claims that would be neg util on a vanilla cop: nexus and ninja sleepwalker)

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Eli claimed after PKR did, and then when I questioned him about PKR being a vanilla cop, Eli seemed kind of genuinely… lost? like he didn’t even notice PKR’s claim because he hadn’t bothered to backread.

and I felt like mafia chat would’ve filled him in, so I assumed he was just town.

unless, as you said was a possibility, mafia only have a night chat.

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The problem with PKR being mafia is the question of why out himself as vanilla cop in the first place?
It was during EVO’s RT, so if there’s a reason, it should be there somewhere

yeah, and I think mafia thunderdoming a town cop claim is a terrible idea, which is why I townread PKR earlier. it works if you have a strong enough team to pull it off so that the others can escape the yeet, and I guess that was before Aelin got randed out, but it’s still very risky.

I looked again at D2 votes, operating under the assumption that Aelin didn’t want tied wagons, nor for her scum partner to get voted out:

EVO is clear
lol is clear
Intensify is clear
= 2 wolves between PKR/Tilga/Eli/Gorta/Wind

and I know I’m town, so for me that leaves PKR/Tilga/Eli/Gorta
if PKR and Eli are actually both town, then the team is Tilga and Gorta

but that’s… odd? maybe I haven’t been giving enough attention to Gorta’s slot, actually.

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I dont have a strong impression of Aelin, tbh. She seemed more like a sidecharacter in the going ons of this game, so that’s kinda doubtful?
Could one person try to pull the vanilla cop claim off on their own?

I really hope you’re town and not a wolf playing with sheep, lol

well, that’s the thing, I don’t think PKR would just openly claim vanilla cop, knowing it’s usually mafia-aligned, and expect to be able to save himself when he had an amount of suspicion on him from D1 already.

I’m town, or else I would’ve reached a conclusion by now lol

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the thing is that the D2 analysis assuming all the wolves were not among the tied wagons or where Aelin tried to vote, coincides weirdly with the voters on the eevee wagon on D4.

Then he expected to die off quickly, maybe? That’d be a strong argument for him being town, unless it was some sort of ploy to distract from his other teammates. Do you remember enough about his interactions with aelin to make a judgement on that?


well, EVO’s fake redcheck was a suicidal gambit, but PKR thunderdoming EVO was also a suicidal gambit, and considering the way things went, shouldnt it spew both of them as town?

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the only time I remember PKR and Aelin interacting was on D1 when Aelin meme voted PKR, then Eli also voted PKR and Aelin jumped on Eli instead.

Yeah, just gotta make sure we/you don’t miss anything

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