before if my read was bad we had an extra chance, but now we don’t

What is your read then.

currently scum on Eli, but I also said that of Wind, so I want to review everyone alive again


You can get on doing that I guess.

well I guess I should delete my wallpost as to why Wind is scum

Anyways, Gorta/Eli seem like the only team no one has really thought of. Have they really been just sitting back as we claw each other apart?

Oh crap I didn’t realize someone else also did the same thing

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I had convinced myself to push Wind hard today

I mean I’m considering it.

Considering my teams are

I mean I was thinking about a Wind/Tilga team hard when PKR died so weh

Okay, I’ll create a consensus town ig? Give me time, it’s definitely not gorta or Eli, maybe til, you have been on the same wavelength as me with wind and pkr and tbh you sus’d them before me so you are also kinda townie

Okay. I have

People who I will not vote today:

  • Tilgarial

  • Intensify

People who may get the boot:

  • Eli

  • Gorta

After Wind’s death I am okay with changing my reads though, because I had a plan to hard tunnel a townie on lylo apparently

Wind died for the greater good of not being death tunneled by 2 townies today.

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Would not have been my proudest moment

I mean if Wind lived and I sus’ed them with Tilga, and tunneled her, my self confidence/EGO after this game would absolutely obliterated.

I encourage you to look at other options because I’m not sure either

I don’t know why I spent 2 hours ISOing and quoting every EVO/Aelin interaction in Aelin’s ISO but I have.

Anyways I’ll probably return soon to explain why I think EVO is good.

EVO/Aelin Interactions

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Everytime I ISO Aelin this posts feels like it’s taunting me and I have no idea why reeeee

Oh I guess I'll clarify this
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