Looks like I missed… stuff here
Why are a bunch of you suddenly voting EVO? I can understand the reasoning behind suspecting him as a wolf, but it looks like three of you in a row just decided to vote him without much comment (Marl, Aelin, GonZ).

I actually don’t see Marl tunnelling very hard in this game btw (not faulting him for it). I wouldn’t consider him too tunnelled on Aelin, as I’ve seen him make other reads and place other votes here. Other than that, I decided I’m mostly going to ignore his slot for now and focus on others because I trust my gut but I also need to make reads on other players as there’s obviously more than one wolf in the game, so tunnelling a single person is just… not helpful and not fun tbh. (On that note, though, I dont like how he jumped on Min here for voting him.)

I don’t find any problem with how GonZ questions the earlier interactions in the thread, and I understand his (and Marl’s) reasoning on EVO, but I think Marl’s reasoning is weaker for that matter. I’ll think about it more and probably wait till EVO pops back in. I don’t like Aelin’s vote on EVO, though, because there’s not much explanation to go with it, unless I’m blind and I missed it. All I see in terms of vote justification is that she gives Marl the benefit of the doubt and says she’ll use Marl as a meat shield, which doesn’t really look any better than when lol said I’d be the next yeet if Marl isn’t scum. So Aelin is trending downward in my reads right now.

Eli is also trending slightly downward and sitting closer to a null now. I know he doesn’t always give explanations for his reads, but the posts he quoted and how he labelled them as just “towny post” did nothing to improve how I view his slot. The opposite, even, because I completely disagree with that post he quoted from Marl. He could’ve picked a different post to call towny, and I might not have had as much of an issue with it, but he picked the post where Marl said he isn’t confident in his reads and complained that I would be able to tell that he is being genuine if I weren’t so confbiased. I know Eli said that sentence was NAI, but I think it’s actually the scummiest thing in that post and probably the scummiest thing in the whole of Marl’s ISO if I’m being honest.

Anyone using evo/eevees argument to solve when its nai is lmao btw

I posted asking what you wanted like 5 hours ago

I didnt see it but now I’m aware :joy_cat: I’m tired and at the tome u were in thread I was calling people

Do you like no joke have zero objections to the people voting evo with you

I have no objections to Gonz and Aelin i can still see going either way.

Also this is a misrepresentation of why i’m voting Evo. All I said about the evo/eevee argument is that IF Evo is scum, do not clear eevee for his outburst, because outbursts like that as scum are always extremely calculated and intentional. It’s not genuine in the case Evo IS a wolf.

Anyway, I’m heading to bed, should be back before EoD as school permits. Also, quoting on mobile is haaaard, man ;-;

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Do you seriously have no objections to the person who scumread you trusting yourr vote and then another person who thinks the person who is voting with you is sus also voting with them and you

There is something wrong with that to me idk if I’m the only one who doesnt like it

Not sure how you missed all that, though, Wind.

I have no strong scumreads still. I can see Aelin going either way.

Did you ever show an example to this

Is everyone planning on ignoring my post where I literally point out that Marl’s tone being consistently bad only around like… me is indicative of him maybe just being a tunneled villa?

I saw that earlier, actually, but I didn’t think they were strong enough reasons to warrant placing a vote on EVO

I don’t like his tone around Min, either. It’s not just around you.


That part wasn’t relevant to the read, it was me saying that usually he doesn’t do

Why say it then? /nm

Ignore that I’m used to using those with my closer friends

Because it’s 5:37 AM and I copied whatever had the word “evo” in it?

His tone is not only bad around yours though