Those are 2 sifferent things?

Look, I acholded Intensify and Cheese for no content, as it makes thread harder to understand.

Paradoxaly, PKRs post was never content-empty.
Or at most it is in first layer.

If you analyse post from motivation PoV, not the content itself, PKRs posts comes “crafted” to establish communication with new players.

Again, doesnt mean it’s bad.
But it’s not fluffpoating as he tries to present it.

Hence Im cutting it short.

Joking / Local culture.
Chop Chop is a… let’s say “friend” of mine.

Who manages to kinda get under my skin more than anyone else.
So as soon as I saw “The ChopChop” Method, I had to react.


Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Intensify Intensify, clonedcheese 2/8
Aelin Marluxion 1/8
clonedcheese eevee 1/8
eevee PokemonKidRyan 1/8
GonZ Tilgarial 1/8
Marluxion WindwardAway 1/8
[No Exe] GonZ 1/8
[Not Voting] EliThePsycho, an_gorta_pratai, Aelin, lol, min, EVO, cdecora 7

EOD is at 2021-03-26T21:00:00Z.

it’s kind of a joke
comes from a user known as ChopChop, who wrote that method and usually copypasta’s it at the start of every game


Well, that’s not very nice!

Alright so I’m going to assume from this post that you feel like this conversation is too focused on you right now?

Do you propose any other topics right now?

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also, hello NUF people, nice to meet you! o/

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what does this mean…

Rather ironically, I’m more worried about how defensive he immediately got rather than what you’re talking about lol


I’ve already said I want it dropped too.
So like I know this may come across as “friendly” or some bullshit but like, I’m agreeing with you.

God I hate it when I’m agreeing with someone and I genuinely believe it to be the right thing that’s said.

But I’m scared about how it’s going to be read and interpreted because I know that more than enough times I’m misread over stupid shit like this.

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Now that’s fair.
Just kinda how I am really? Like, I don’t have any more to be said there.

True, maybe part of it is because it’s on me, and i can’t jump in. That would make sense

Hmm… what’s anybody’s opinion on that cheese guy jumping for the first vote that happened?
The votecount just reminded me of that, and i would have called that sus elsewhere

I think that was a meme vote


That’s a perfectly natural reaction on these forums and I don’t think it’s really AI for cheese to do it.

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I think he meant to write “scolded”

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I pressed some weird stuff in the middle pf writing this, so apparently the response thingy got thrown off. This was in response to @Intensify

Okay, never mind me then!

Heya, nice to meet you too! Let’s have fun! o/


It’s a fair question :man_shrugging:
But like, I guess it just takes some games to know how people are.

Cloned is someone I struggle to read for the sole reason that often their content can be looked at as scummy and yet they do it as town too.

So I struggle to see “motivation” in too much depth.



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