that isn’t why i think he’s scum

his early interactions were all wolfy like this before his weird outburst

plus this feels like soft defending aelin rather than actually trying to give a take on her
he’s not saying aelin is town, just discouraging scumreads on her.

i think he’s a wolf with aelin

makes sense
not a strategy I prefer to use myself, but I know others do, so shrug

see, I didn’t interpret this as “don’t scumread Aelin” so much as “don’t misinterpret tonal change due to transitioning as a scumtell” which isn’t the same thing
meaning that having a friendlier tone is not indicative of scum tryharding, but neither is it indicative of being town


Just because you didn’t interpret it that way doesn’t mean that was how evo intended it.

well maybe im biased but lack of eevee/aelin interactions make aelin for me

is evo a meta read or general read because if it’s general once again i think it’s nai

make aelin town for me

eevee could go either way lol
i dont hate a yeet on him but just letting you know he is definitely within meta for either alignment still

i went and backread the thread just now for better context because I thought EVO was replying to someone trying to metaread Aelin, but apparently not lol
it was just a response to the general “I can’t tell if Aelin is being genuine or faking it” so idk
I’m still taking it as kind of NAI but whenever EVO shows up again I’ll probably get a better read on him


i think gonz’s push on evo is towny though


this I agree with
although there’s literally one thing I think is potentially towny coming from eevee
that’s really the only reason I had him as a townlean but he’s pretty close to null at the moment
nulltown maybe

show me

why does reply not work half the time

quoting this

Earlier in the game, Eevee asked me who I’d appoint as a town leader amongst the nuffians.
I named cdecora, Eevee warned me that he would seriously roll with it, and I said to do it.
I’ve seen Eevee do this before as town (don’t think I’ve seen him do it as scum but I wouldn’t discount the possibility) and I don’t think it’s scum-indicative. So that puts him at a kind of null level.
But the way he handled cdecora not wanting to be a town leader, and read cdecora off it, as well as saying he didn’t want to follow someone who didn’t want to be a leader, looks slightly >rand town to me.
Whatever other shit he’s been doing in the thread is completely NAI as far as I’m concerned. I’m not reading into the more confrontational interactions; only the other ones, because confrontational interactions aren’t something AI for Eevee.

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note that at the point when i suggested we sheep cdecora, cdecora only had 3 posts. So I knew they wouldn’t be inactive, but I also figured they wouldn’t be hyperactive here. I had multiple reasons for suggesting cdecora over the other nuffians, and at the very least I was correct in that I’d get useful information out of it from multiple players.

Go on?

Not opposed to lynching:


Opposed to lynching:

Everybody that hasn’t been mentioned is a) somewhere in the middle or b) I haven’t remembered their existence/participation in this game yet

Oooh spicy…

Why are you not against lynching Wind?

Mainly because i totally would have sheeped her on the marl thing if I didn’t suspect him somewhat before.
That’s speaking of a certain level of sway, which just shouldn’t be a thing in a game this early