I just checked the PM, and yes that’s the title of the host (?)

I would’ve checked where i posted before, but i dunno how to do that

I mainly remember it for ending in the early parts of D1

If somebody genuinely wants to read a game from me, i have a list of my nuf games over there i could give ya. But i dunno if it’s worth the effort considering i’m acting fairly different due to different environment/people

it was
I miss being masons :frowning:

hey, I wasn’t about to just policy yeet you
I found a reason to SR you (and didn’t even place my vote after that cause I got called for a meeting)

ah yes, that was the one. as I said I don’t remember anything about it lol.

makes sense, that’s pretty much how I built my yeet list too.


Meta is mostly worthless and i think you’re town anyway
so no point

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(that was in reply to the tiger)

There’s nothing to remember, no worries

eh, I don’t really bother reading old games just for the purpose of figuring out people’s meta
I just read old games to see how well I can actually read people when I’m not actively playing something

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Meta doesn’t work well most of the time.

It only works for smaller things, like certain actions can be excused by “oh this person just likes doing this type of stuff”.

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yeah, like
eevee is often confrontational and it isn’t AI for him

That’s true. Just wanna give ya’ll the option


no, I form my own opinions

I don’t think Wind is pushing agenda and their reasons for being on the Marl wagon I could see coming from town.

Cloned I often struggle to read but I’m very slight scumleaning (Based off my thought that I think the Marl wagon is motivated by a wolf, I’m looking at the first few voters and think one of them is maf)

Min’s been different this game since they’re not overly posting which makes reading them actually kinda nicer and simpler. I think they’re the towniest member on the wagon.

lol, no clue, true null. I need to see more from them since atm I’m getting some town pings and some scum ones.

EVO could be voting for self preservation tbh so I can’t really scumread them for being on Marl’s wagon.

But if EVO is a wolf, 1 more teammate if not more is on the wagon and I’d lean cloned > lol > Wind > Min for likeliest teammate.


anyway, the only thing that makes me hesitant on Marl is that Marl tried pushing for a CFD instead of just pushing EVO


@EVO time to look at EVO


@Marluxion Time to Look at Marl


i think evo is close to rand wolf
a bit higher than rand

but not much higher

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but seriously now, 400 hundred posts? really? on d1?

now now, I need a reference point to click names

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Hey, you doing good Gorta?

I’m fine

I’m fighting for my frickin’ life here
For my right to exist


For using this GIF you have officially granted yourself 1 day of life even if you are mafia
But I don’t think you are