[Standard] NUF FM 2 - Signup FULL (15/15)

Welp. At least those events don’t exist in non-NUF sites, so they can never hurt me here.

What events



Re:Cycle FM, Event 1 - Zone Alignment Quiz/History Hunt (for possibly balance-breaking information)
Re:Cycle FM, Event 2 - Russian Roulette (for balance-breaking rewards, and balance-breaking deaths)
Re:Cycle FM, Event 3 - An attempt to fix the game’s balance that never happened because the day was hammered before the event could begin

Questionnaire FM, Event 1 - Russian Roulette (nothing too serious this time; moderate rewards, moderate punishments)
Questionnaire FM, Event 2 - Who are these charcacters Quiz (may or may not be excessive with the rewards; could’ve restricted it better)
Questionnaire FM, Event 3 - AnimeMusicQuiz (pretty sure this one is excessive with the rewards)

ok then.

we gained parity with the spectators
we win

Let’s go!!





@Intensify is this your son


No… He is not.

Though I can see why you might think so.

They’re twins! Seperated at birth
Two Destined poros

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anf there will be no events?


You have not mastered the path of the orang yet



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Your use of punctuation is sexy.


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aww :pensive:

I kinda wonder why you two are here for backup instead of joining though. glass I can somewhat understand, but not Blitz.

If you want events, go back to NUF.