[Standard] NUF FM 2 - Signup FULL (15/15)

I think you already joined days ago…

Yeah, this time was normal effort in, previous was low effort in.



Took me a while to figure out the site(again?), but I’m here!


Finally… we can finally start!

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See, my medium effort in causes other people to join too!


Time to disappoint: Zone invited me from off-site!

Well, they invited you becouse of my medium effort in. Duh.


Why didn’t you do this 3 days ago

Becouse one small step at a time.

You see… first you do low effort in.

3 days later medium effort in.

And if that won’t work, 7 days later high effort in.

Why waiting so long?
Ehhh… high effort in from eevee means reshaping structure of reality into filled game.
But grandma told me to not try to change dimensions just cause I want something.

So I try other stuff first.


Your grandma must be built differently then

Going to be narcissistic and think this is for me.
Thank you~

Can I spectate? @Zone_Q11

Sure! :+1: