[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

both me and italy saw you visit alice

Yes I did

is you pushing alice related to that action

Seth would you mind claiming your night action regarding Alice?

Alice has used no abilities

give him a minute to find out for himself.

And there was no Night Kill

alice wasn’t here for the night
she was banned before EoD and gorta replaced in for her after SoD

I still targeted her regardless

f o r w h a t r e a s o n

So Both Italy and Centuries are Fire Mage’s I believe.
I think Italy would be the likely scum out of the 2.

okay how LMFAO

What do you think

I already mentioned this before

Your interactions

angleshooting reasons

well mention it again bubba

im listening

my interactions?

wanna be more broad?

this isn’t a fucking T/W thing you fucking peanut
arcane mage has a stonewall

The way you interacted with Alice came more like you are trying to hint to them that your GS and they are the LW.