[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Have you even been reading up? Also, explain Italy being bled if Gorta isn’t LW.

They just want me dead

I have not liked thread for the past few posts. Everybody in thread right now is giving me bad vibes and I suspect a large amount of scum presence honestly.


your action legitimately Makes Gorta not a LW here if Genn is in the game

I’m actually thinking hes a group wolf tbh

How is it stupid?

He selected Fire Mage abils over a basically strongman kill

Hes actually posting and contributing to the thread

Hes very likely town
And i’m taking his bleeding claim for granted when defending gorta over the LW accusations

But yes. He could be lying. I just dont think so.

Someone else bled him

There are other options
There are other people

Or italy lied

Why is this such a hard thing for y’all to grasp
Gorta isnt the only damn person who can be LW

I dont think Italy or CRich would lie about either bleed

also two worgens is a possibility, but a very low one.

We know. He’s just the most likely candidate. Why are you so certain Gorta isn’t LW? Anyone can roll as LW.

imma try something

/vote gorta

k bye

that post was a reactive list made in anger, but I don’t want to think Italy is a wolf here I do think there is a slight possibility though

People have pointed out how I can’t be genn (the suspected superpower) and you still think I am the damn LW?

I am a orc with trackers, but noooo gorta has to be a wolf

i am hardclaiming
and mode should be aware that worgens can’t bleed today

No one has pointed out anything suggesting that it’s impossible for you to be the LW.

If the LW is Genn then Mode confirms that I am not Genn



Could you please share your full results?