[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

…didn’t you said you were scumreading/nullreading us?

[quote=“Frankie, post:309, topic:82340”]

Yes it was fake because I did the same thing on you. I was gonna pursue this on Leafia but then I get bombarded with questions.

i honestly dont remember how you play. the only game i remember is when you were converted to aristo
and even then, im not using meta as my primary argument for anything this game
i hate your tone and content so far and past games wont make me change that lmfao

This is going slow compared to my last two games. Well, they went about this speed. Expect around 5,000 posts a day give or take a thousand. Then again, my last two games were larger than this one is.

Yes I did.

Do you think our pushes are being in bad or good faith?

I mean, large mashes reaching high numbers are not that uncommon. However, in a 16 player game, I think 300 posts in 2 hours is a very high rate and is not something I’d like to see.

I can not imagine a 16 player game reaching numbers that high but if it does I will be one unhappy kitty :pouting_cat:

this one should be a lot better size wise just based on the nature of the game. also since I’m town this game I’m just going to assume anyone who hyperposts to extremes is scum

I mean honestly you’re not giving him much of a chance when to me it looks like someone who wanted to do something that was out of their reach, just my two cent but would scum napoleon do this after last game?

not hyperposting is hard because i like conversations
guess i needa just suck it up

It’s just that all of his reads this game have been… bleh.

if you’re going to plan to do something pre-game

at least plan to do something useful

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
Frankie Ami 1/9
Italy Blizer 1/9
Napoleon Frankie, Chloe, Leafia, Ami 4/9
Alice Napoleon 1/9
ModeShifter Alice 1/9
Ami Apprentice 1/9


stop relying on past games

He probably thought he was going to powertown and get TR’d just from his sheer gut

I think the best option regarding Napoleon here is to give him a little bit of time. If his posting has not improved, then he should be voted. Right now I am going to unvote, and probably re-read the game when I wake up.


Gut doesn’t involve pointless RTs

Some people can be read based on past games no?

Sleep sounds good to me right now too, so good night everyone.

Some people can, yes.
But its also possible for people to improve.

Take Zone for example. His townmeta is to tunnel literally anyone who scumreads him. It’s pretty blatant imo
In a champs practice game he managed to replicate his townmeta as scum, which made arete have a bad read on his slot