[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

I’m not really asking you, Chloe.
You was healed by scummy person whose only answer when asked to explain how did healing theirs scumread make sense for them is… “gamer move” and “lolderps”.

Which is not coherent line of defense anyway, considering that “gamer move” suggest there was some kind of plan behind it, but now it appears there was none.

Lynching someone random makes no sense in current situation. Unless Derps is known extreame gamethrower who prefers to help his scumread over townreads for some reason?
I wonder why he still plays if that’s true.

That would be comparable to vigging your top townread as town vig. Just different role.
No progression, no reasoning, Nothing.

Getting lynch on anyone else today is just a bad idea.

@Blizer reconsider your vote.
@Moleland get back on Derps.

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Regardless if their reads weren’t at least somewhat their they wouldn’t die

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Their are people who have said my play is so bad I’m throwing

Y’all ever

Push your greencheck?

Good times

10 is Probabaly just a wolf


But also I have a bad habit of OMGUS so

You said you had some great idea how this will work out, which you called “gamer move”.

Explain this.
What was your reasoning which you claimed you had?

The death would be delayed

Scum would qhickhammer later thinking they win

Chloe dies to delay


I personally think that both him and Leafia are mafia.

I agree with you, he has been incredibly inconsistent and his only argument is that he is a known game-thrower so he does whatever he wants.

These are Vul’s reads that coulda been reasons he was killed if not just SPK

Theirs a more recent PoE he gave IIRC


Go find

This one here

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Seth is dead
I’m not scum
Frankie is dead
That leaves Moleland

So yeah
We still have:
Mole, Blizer, 10
Or CRich, who i doubt is LW

Leafia today

So your plan was to make scum quickhammer.

Okay, convince me.

  1. Run the numbers to show how many people would have to die for it to happen
    (If you are lazy - 7 towns in 2 nights)

  2. Convince me mechanicswise scum will try to quickhammer.
    (If you are lazy - the moment town becomes minority, they get a nightkill instead, so outing all mafia members even if they have majority is just bad idea, cause minority (town) can kill them off.)

  3. That it’s logical to think about scum quickhammering when it’s 13 people alive and scum was just lynched.

Give me your reasoning.

I just have you my reasoning

Leafia could also use LW invest abilities and know Derps’ alignment for sure. Could be a TMI reaction from them.

Group scum would know the truth too…

If you think chloe is scum, and wanted to see chloe dead, why did you heal her?

Was your entire plan to heal a mafia read to have the ever so slight chance of baiting scum to quickhammer?

If that was the case, why did you claim to use your ability on her? That would have alerted her of the possibility!