[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

It also makes the nigjt kill every other night


As LW, Seth would know that I’m LW. He has a brain and knew I would look suspicious from EoD2 and yet he killed the one person that would be defending me? He knew for certainty that I’d have no other defenders if Vulgard died and yet he killed Vulgard. If I was LW, that’s literally the worst play that he could’ve made. Frankie was killed to make me look bad. I won’t lie. If I was the LW, I would’ve killed him too. I’ll admit that. Except I would’ve made sure that the kill was flipless.

How long before EoD?

Tonight is an odd night
There will be a nightkill regardless of whether or not we get LW out here

But youre right yes
KP is halved

Also, i have to go for the rest of this day - i have an essay due that i didnt fuckin realize was due tonight :upside_down_face:

I dont want super close wagons, because i’d rather us not CFD into a rand, so i’ll stay here

I’d like Fire Mages to wifom.
Flip a coin. If it lands heads, you are using your fire mage abil. If it lands tails, you are blinking or whatever

Then flip another coin. If it lands heads, you are on our healer
If it lands tails then go on whoever ya want

I shouldnt die tonight cuz of my DI passive (unless i was attacked already, omegalul) - so i’ll see y’all tomorrow

Tbh i dont see a world where we lose this if we arent stupid
Dont be stupid

Also if anyone was bled, you should probably say so

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You’re right here. We need to be smart and realize that I’d only be scum in a world with very stupid wolves.



I haven’t voted yet

Okay here’s what we are gonna do

Leafia, tell me why I should vote SDA over you

If you fail to convince me I will destroy you


Okay I know this might sound weird but I want LAMIST from you

Tell me why your approach to this game has been townie

her only argument is that she’s town and that scum wouldnt do what theyve done if they she was scum lol

no bad centuries

speak english

Has she played FM anywhere else?

She’s played two games prior to this and both has been wolf.



apparently she has discord mafia experience or whatever

See the issue with this is that Leafia words things very weirdly and is often jumpy. In CFM2 they felt extremely wolfy and it was like they weren’t even trying to hide it - their agenda and TMI was all out in the open.

I want to know the reason behind her actions here.

@Leafia also could you claim please?

Look at facts here. It’s obvious that the wolves want to get me lynched with how Seth killed Vulgard because he didn’t want Vulgard around to defend me after the EoD 2. If I was wolf, he wouldn’t have killed someone that he knew was going to defend a teammate and you need to look at D1 and D2 to determine my alignment. Also, if I was wolf, I would’ve jumped on the Mode wagon to make me look good. Derps on the other hand has been acting wolfy the entire game and I’d advise against threatening me Nappy. I don’t take threats well. Even empty ones like yours just now.

lol i could literally end you right now

But I want to kill a wolf.