[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

vote thread

No idea and I have no idea what to think about Frankie right now. He seemed really townie at the beginning, but then near the EoD 2 and all of D3, as well as the start of today, he’s been doing everything he can to make me look bad despite it being obvious that scum are trying to get me mislynched. Whether he’s good or evil doesn’t matter too much in the long run, since he won’;t be able to talk to the living tomorrow. If there’s a role that can bring back the dead though, bring Frankie back since Vulgard will likely be ab;le to talk some sense into him tonight.

The slots which make me go

“Should they still be alive by now”

Fire Mages are basically hiders at this point so normally the NKs go in the rest of the pool

Yet the more obvious nightkills arent dying bc of fear of watcher

Link to the voting thread please since I trust Italy.

dont vote yet

dont want to o lol hammer

Yeah, that’s true.

But I agree with Italy. CRich has to die if he lied about his night action.


Wait a minute. When did he lie and when did you barrier her Italy?

Claiming Goblin who used rocket jump lolololol

i barriered chloe last night

Has CRich even spoken yet to claim that he visited Chloe?


Ah. I see it now. I had to look back to check.

Would he have been told about the barrier if he had tried visiting Chloe?

well no

but its said by host

he would have been modrevealed to have hit a blazing barrier at sod

Ah. I see.