[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Crich is only in doubt if someone has a claim to.have targeted them or Chloe last night


Is this gamesolve?

There are other possibilities

CRich could have not visited me, and faked that, and got caught

But it still possible he just used that redirect abil thingy
Or someone redirected him off of me
Or someone occupied him

I think the most likely is the most simple one
Meaning he told the truth

i forgot what that shit is called uhhhhh
one sec

We running kinda low on potential scum

A great idea. That’ll help us figure out what went on last night.

what the fuck is the thing called

The thing if if Italy did lie, it’s hard to disprove because if lol troll healing

occam’s razor


We agree this never flips GS

Occum’s razor?

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Blizer either rolled Jaina or is GS FM

Probably spelled differently


No way this ever solves

That’s true and lying would allow him an excuse to push Gorta and try to mislynch him come to think of it. Could it have been planned between Italy and Mole? Was Gorta the intended mislynch for D2?

… You mean Mode?


This really never solves

Oh wait. Yes I do. Your names are so similar.

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thats the only logical vc

I agree, that’s impressive distancing

What are the odds we rolled 3 trolls? That’s pretty oof for scum to face.