[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

I’m doubting whether this is actually the case


im actually doubting its genn now tbh if no bleeds happend today.

If it’s not Genn, I can’t confirm myself.

That’s fair.

I used rocket boots today. Not yesterday. Get it right. Also, was anyone bled yesterday? If not, I find it being a Genn game to be unlikely as Genn would want to bleed everyday.

Refusing to answer a question is avoidance and why the sudden vote on me for no reason? Also, you need to vote in the voting thread.

That much is a certainty.

Which brings us to a few possibilities.

One bleed was town, another Scum hoping to convince us lw was genn.

Both or 1 bleed was scum, and another faked.

Pushing this as S/S certanity is stupid.
I consider Mole as likely to be town.


that means you were occupied last night then right, cause Chloe warstomped you.

I don’t have the same view of yourself - that’s the issue here.

What changed?

Yesterday you was saying I am town and leafia is scum. Now it changed around. How?

The convienence of your night action

Your play this game

Derps’ flip

I think both of your slots (Leafia and you 10 posts)

are scum

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Yes, I would agree.

Correct. I was occupied last night. I tried checking how many abilities Chloe had used throughout the game last night, so if I hadn’t been occupied, I would’ve been a bit blackened like Nappy was.

Then join Leafia with me.

No because it’s possible you are the LW and have an ability to avoid occupation

There is no occupation left other than mine anyway.

You claimed you used all kicks. Italy claimed to use all war stomps.

I’m not scum and I intend to prove it today. Chloe can occupy me and I’ll visit you tonight and a fire mage can use blazing wall on you to prove that I’m goblin beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Which ia precisely why you are being voted today