[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Hmmm, how come you’d have to be jaina?

because i would have picked arcane over fire as scum since i never expect my life expectancy to be high

Not necessarily. We only have your word on that too. You could’ve planned this from the beginning to get into the towncore and ig would even be a good move for scum to do. Explain why there were no bleeds since your claim at being bled D2 if Genn is in the game.

explain why i’d randomly claim bleeding in such a suicidal move

To make people think Genn is in the game of course and it wasn’t suicidal if you were lying.

wouldn’t that require i have confidence that there either is a genn or that the superpower would never flip

Maybe you do have that confidence and you never explained the no more bleeds since then. You just avoided the issue.

these theories require i be exactly jaina, who would have a reason to believe that they wouldn’t be incriminated by the superpower flip


You claimed you have a bleed right?

I sure do

do it nerd

The simple solution is to bleed Italy tomorrow and make him self resolving

Again, you’re avoiding the issue as to why no one else has been bled since you were supposedly bled D2. The only thing required in order for you to be lying is for you to have picked fire mage which scum can do too.

that’s cause i don’t fucking know
i’m not ALL KNOWING like you expect me to be

Who are you thinking of bleeding?

I think I have a plan

idk depends on flip since its an odd day thing

Then why didn’t you just admit that you didn’t know in the first place? If you had done that, I probably would’ve been willing to consider the possibility that you’re being truthful a bit more.

Ah that raises a few complications

This RT is over now and it has told me a lot.