[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

It is when your claim leaves traceable feedback.

It is when your motivations can be judged for being reasonable.

Assuming you are town, you looked at Derps claim and judged him scum because his motivation was unreasonable. You have refused to give us the same opportunity so I am left to think you have no defence because you are scum.

Or rather cause I can make 4 “proven” people back to unproven pool, which will make it only more chaotic day.

There, I said it, happy?

Then why wouldn’t you do that? :thinking:

Considering a non-chaotic day ends in you being made unalive

If you can prove that people were falsely cleared then why in the hell haven’t you done that?

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Just woke up and i see this

This info needs to be outted, cause it actually can help us with going over the PoE.

Wolves win by clearing themselves mechanically, so if you can prove someone isn’t clear by mechanics then you should out that info

Why would I make 4 more people into fucking PoE if we lack the kill due to Leafia being blocked and I should never be lynched or die at night, considering I’m both provable race as well as class.

Your main argument why it started was becouse you blocked me, but Leafia already claimed I can’t be superpower.

Rendering it useless.

Me not claiming is me not claiming.
Don’t be a ToS player where no claim = exe.

If you’re town you genuinely need to do it and it’d be dumb for town!you to die on this hill

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We’re at the point where it’s not whether the argument is right or wrong, its that if you die without outing all that as town then it’s not worth it

I don’t have to do this.

You argument against me is that I was blocked, sure.

However, Italy + Leafia combined evidence prove that I’m not superpower.
If you want to acuse me of that, lynch one of them first.

That’s all you need.
Also again - I’m only person around who can prove both theirs class and race at once.

The argument is past you being superpower or not

Rn we’re at

“Are you GS or are you town”

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They could only have been killing you, but that’s not possible unless someone claims a heal on you

Honestly I can’t prove if you’re scum or not mechanics wise my issue is that

I’m running low on PoE, you’re one of the few people without any factual evidence of having done something townie

And while you have had town-like dayplay, I’m trying to get you to out your mech info and then re evaluate because if those 4 people are back into PoE then it helps tremendously

I claimed a kick on them long ago.

That’s highly beyond a point rn.

The issue I have with all of this is that it came after Mole claimed to have blocked you and I have more faith in Mole’s claim


Sorry. No.
There is no reason for me to do that.

I’m not worried about dying, being redirected or other stuff.
I’m also not worried about your arguments about blocking me, cause I got 2 people confirming me as non-superpower.
I’m also not worried about being lynched, considering I am only eprson in game right now who can 100% clear themselves as both theirs race as well theirs class.

You are failing to provide any argument which wouldn’t be already disproven.

You want me to claim just for claim, which is… suboptimal in this case.
Heavilly suboptimal.

That doesn’t even matter.

We could block each other as fine as T/S and S/S.
It makes no difference.

