[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Chleo rare
Napoleaon medium
Apprentice well done

All of you forgot to add spices to your steaks.
But since everyone knows bloody steaks are best for lunch.

/eat Chelo

Do you feel scum are incapable of doing that or just find it unlikely?

Which is?

What exactly would you think I would have done in each situation.
There really wasn’t much to go off of currently.
I just thought I’d try and get an idea of the overall gamestate and wait for something that seems important to bring up or something potentially alignment indicative.

I have had my thoughts.
I’ll make a Reads list later.

I’ll say this now though.
I believe CRich to be Town based upon he said I feel odd then a few minutes later made a case on me.

I feel Scum!CRich would have just said I feel Odd and have done nothing about explaining themselves until questioned.

I feel like Chloe might be scum here.
I’ll have to look more into it though.
From hindsight it looked like they were trying to pocket Alice’s reads but again, I’ll go ahead and read Chloe’s ISO after work if I have time.

Ah there we go.

I have an idea what Alice’s tinfoil is regarding Chloe. It’s probably that Chloe isn’t group scum if she randed as scum.

Alice literally posted the tinfoil lol.

Here lol

also yeah, took a look at Chloe`s iso so far

I feel like her push on Nap is bad tbh.

Like, Nap`s intro and interaction with Frankie is fucking weird, but if you look at why he posted that as scum vs as Town, i dont think scum would post and say the shit he did tbh.

feels like a LHF to push on.

Personally if you think either Chloe or Napoleon is a wolf, which one would you execute first?

I cant definitively answer that question atm, as i want to see more content from both of theme, and more interactions with other players tbh.

but if im leaning towards someone to execute atm, i would yeet Chloe.

I think the Chloe and Napoleon wagons should be where we start solving for alignments if any of them lead to an execution. Still I have no reason to think that we’re in a world where Chloe and Napoleon aren’t Town/Town for now.

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I’m off to bed now. Seth is looking a little better after I asked questions about his posts.
He’s made reads which is a good sign coming from him.

howdy all, no time to read through right now but i’ll take a look when i get on in a few hours

Now that my mind is fresh, I want to make a proper explanation to my actions. People still don’t seem to fully grasp this even when I came back to look again. Here we go:

Napoleon! Your entrance sounded fake!

This argument doesn’t hold. For one, I admitted that I had this pre-planned. Two, I’m not naturally a cocky player, I admit there are better players than me like Alice. Third, though I’m not sure if this impacted it, but it was the end of the night and I felt a bit more tired. This is not a good reason to scumread me.

Napoleon! Your tone feels off!

Oh yes, of course. My tone was “off” and therefore I must be wolf. Rokugan, RM4 are both examples of this where I was incorrectly scumread for having a “bad” tone… Stop it… Not all of my villager games are identical and my approach can change based on a lot of factors. Look at my motivations, in Community, it was clear that I was a wolf trying to look town by doing RTs and not using them for anything (that was my worst wolf game, I’ve performed much better as a wolf in other games), but that’s the idea.

How I usually approach games are:

  • If I’m town, I try and go into early conflicts to take out reactions - like in SFoL 61.5, to formulate reads (Me vs. CRichard D1)
  • If I’m scum, I try and make myself look town. I usually do this by attempting to mimic my town behavior, so it’s your job to figure out which is which. With that said, I’ll show you what my solving has looked like as town so far:

Napoleon! Your RTs didn’t do anything!

Yes it did. I made conclusions make on this. Frankie was unaware it was an RT and I baited a good reaction out of him as he was the one with the most pressure. And while a few said that “I did RT and didn’t do anything with the results”. Yes I did.

I liked the initial response from Frankie but I didn’t want to stop there. I refused to share them for that reason. I’ve also later explained more from what I liked from Frankie further on.

Anyways… this leads me to something else…

Napoleon! Your switch to an RT feels ingenuine!

You seriously underestimate me as a player if you think I make hard scumreads using simple things like an “!”, or if I push agenda with that as a wolf. I’m a player who has a good amount of FM experience and half this thread knows it.

It’s mostly my intro and my interaction with Frankie that’s facing most scrutiny. If anyone wants clarification on what I was thinking at a certain time when making a post, I would be open to it.

But it seems like only a few people like Alice (who I think is a wolf, btw, ill get more into that a bit later) have unique reads and the others are just sheeping off Alice.

So I was thinking about this overnight, and I’m pretty sure Alice is a wolf. I’ll make a case on her after this post, but to put it short, her posts feel agenda-y and there are some things that are questionable, just like in RM4, where I also correctly scumread her.

Wallpost incoming.


This started

Let’s take out the horde bois