[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Italy claimed he was bleeding

While that led to us believing it was a genn game, due to 3 bleeds total being used over two days.

but there has been no bleeds for the past two days.

So, my doubt about this being Genn is here rn tbh.

You could be right and he is not bleeding people due to priests.

If it’s not Genn game - Italy / Napoleon?
If it is Genn game - Chloe / ?

Yeah, that’s it.
Doesn’t mean they are scum.

Noone except Genn can bleed on even days and that was when Italy claimed it.

Wolves could be in those 4, so why not out it now and then let’s review what you have

That’s incorrect.

Outside of mechanical suspicion, there’s also the fact you hard pushed derps yesterday and have been lurky af

How are you confirmed not superpower?

Cause I used 2 abilities by n2 confirmed by Leafia?
Which is why you should join me on Lefia wagon.

Sure, it’s confirmation by someone I consider likely to be scum, but is still confirmation that I’m not a superpower right now.

Group scum leafia would try and take a bullet for you if you were superpower.

But even if you aren’t, you yourself could be Gs

That’s what I said, it is confirming me as not SUPERPOWER.

It’s not confirming me as not-gs.
However it renders your roleblock argument useless.

And if you think first is the case, why not joining me on Leafia?

Leafia can be lying so no, it isn’t proof of anything.

Because Tracendence has to have been attempted at least once and therefore someone can back your class claim, so the fact you won’t reveal that suggests you are lying.

Then why don’t you want them lynched?

Because they are feeding us associations to analyse. You are not, so you living gives us nothing

And I like how you ignored the key part of that message.

Also, stop using logical fallacies.
I can do “You could be lying” as well.

I have 5 players with feedback that gives it credibility. They can’t all be lying

We were over this.
You have one player confirming you.


Do you know what action Moleland tried to perform last night?
Do you know his role?

Except then I would have to be lying and it’s possible that we could be scum buds, but that’s not likely

How would it require you to be lying?

Am I missing something?

The truth is that Mole claims a rb on you and there were no kills, so you have to know that looks scummy as hell. It’s even worse when you won’t out what you know because that could save you today. FMPoV you are promising info to live, but won’t give it out