[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Think we just get Leafia out tomorrow
No bleed
Just straight jettison

Shes either town (unlikely) or worgen imo
But making assumptions based on her flip can fuck us
If shes town, and we assume shes worgen
It can fuck things up
If shes worgen, and we assume shes town
It can fuck things up

She flips her true class tomorrow

I also dont wanna die because i “pushed for a town jettison” when she could be worgen who flipped horde
So yeah

Thats my 2 cents

I’m not the best lynch tomorrow either and I intend to prove that. 10 Post’s flip will tell us a lot I think.

Are you gunna flip horde tomorrow?

I would flip horse tomorrow if I’m the day lynch that day and don’t you think I’d want to be flipped today if I was a worgen at all?

You voted yourself
You wanted me to be killed if you flip town

Only because I was being pressured. I’ve also been defending myself all day apart from that and telling town not to lynch me and saying that 10 Posts is a far better lynch today.

I’m a better lynch? How?

You said to kill you multiple times
You voted yourself
You set me up to be ML’d tomorrow

You dont selfvote unless
A. You want out of the game
B. You want to die
C. You’re memeing

It aint C
And it doesnt feel like A
So yeah

You’re literally withholding info that town needs to know and acting super scummy and you’re wondering how you could be the better lynch!?!?!?! You can’t possibly be for real at this point.

I am real.

Give me example of this “super scummy” things you are talking about.

You know exactly what they are. Limiting yourself to only ten posts which is spanking to fly under the radar and not giving out your actions this game when according to you, they’d help town solve this game. You’re literally gamethrowing here by withholding that info if you’re town because you’re knowingly harming town’s chances to win by withholding that info.

You are saying that lying by Italy can come from town.

Yet you are saying that just saying straightforward no information can be only scummy?

Walk me through this logic.

Try explaining how withholding information that town needs to know can possibly be townie first. There are lots of reasons for a town to lie. There’s never a good reason for town to withhold information that town needs to know in order to game solve correctly from town.

Okay, so in your opinion lying about what is main, strongest PR from scumteam can come from town?

And you think that just not outing information is more scummy than straightforward misleading whole game about what’s killing them?


Your trickery isn’t going to work here. Town would give all the information they have to help game solve and you’re not doing that.

So you say that if I was town I would claim stuff.

And why claiming is townie in your opinion?
Do you think everyone who claimed is town?

What the fuck is this reasoning?

So everyone who claimed so far is town in your opinion?
Do you think claiming anything just makes someone lock town?

Stop ppl trying to twist my words around! You know exactly what I mean!


You say that lying about most important scum PR, one for which we are hunting for 2 days straight now is more townie just becouse they claimed anything, even if it derailed town’s PoV for 2 days straight than just refusing to give information.

This is bullshit reasoning.




Come here.