[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

you can’t kill me, nerd

… Why are you ‘likely’ a townie, not ‘A townie’?

Mole claims to have role blocked you, yet Gorta says they saw Mole role block you.
There is a conflict there.

I’m talking from the view of smart townies. Only I know 100% that I’m town and if I’m lynched today it doesn’t get town any new info that it doesn’t already know. There’s what I said earlier too. Regardless, lynching me today is a terrible idea no matter what I am.

I’m not a roleblocker. I make actions fail.

That’s what being a role blocker means.

No, it’s very different

Why would it be bad idea to lynch you if you are scum?

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How is it different?

I don’t stop him going anywhere, his ability just doesnt do anything

Because I’d flip as goblin rogue today if I’m Genn.

Fair enough. Still starting to think you’re the lynch for today though.



Reread this sentence actually, cause I don’t understand it, lmao.

What if you aren’t Genn doe?


Then I still flip goblin rogue because that’s what I am. It’s obvious that I’m not group scum here.

Why doe?


Reword it, lol.

If he tried to block me and visited me… where is the conflict?

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if you’re genn it’ll be obvious enough once the kills slow down

We haven’t had any for most of the match though