[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

I’m not an outed wolf but you and Eevee are outed wolves at this point. Or you will be once I’m lynched.

I don’t think these are super signally tbh. Was this the first person he mentioned by name or asked a question to? Then i might reconsider

This gives me funky vibes. Explaining Lost Wolf for no real reason


I wanna find more of his reads on seth to see if hes hedgy

Just enough to put some shade
Yet not enough to get nightkilled for scumreading her

Not signally

If CRich signalled to Leafia, i’d like us to look beyond the first few hours
So far i’m just getting iffy vibes, but CRich has been… generally in his townmeta - it might take me a bit to reconsider this

How can you believe we will be lynched after your flip if we are perfectly aware you are gonna flip golbin?


groupscum isnt strong players

who the fuck would let seth post that

I think he would just post it without asking.

Because town is too smart to listen to your BS. They’ll realize that I was right all along. If you really thought I could be Genn, why are you lynching me on a day when I’d appear to be town rather than a day when you could be sure I’d flip my true alignment? You’re only lynching me today as a way to explain why I flipped goblin rogue.

Do we have this role which forces people to selftarget actually?

Blizer is pure.

CRichard is only one which is openly talking about Lost Wolfs with Leafia, beside Mode that is.

Time to check… Century?

Tinfoil, maybe, just maybe, you’re wrong about me? Have you considered that even for a single solitary second? You’re only going to get confirmation bias if you’re already convinced that I’m scum before you even start looking.

Nah we have no rogues rn - other than leafia

nobody to happyhour

Yes. Rogues can do that. With the right specialty. Which I took.


Thank you very much.
It would make it easier in situations like that.

The signals just drown in the hundreds of other posts.

I’m gonna start policy lynchign highest poster.


Laughs Sorry about that Eevee.


sounds good to me


Okay, policy … right… policy cuddling leafia.


Not a good idea in this case though.

Wow. Just checked and I have the most posts in the thread. :slight_smile:

Honestly, it takes way too much time to dig up all interactions in iso with 700 posts.


You are gonna be lynched next, cause I’m too lazy to iso 700 posts. Blame yourself for being active.

See what Eevee is doing? Try telling me that comes from town Chloe.