[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

This isn’t weaponising the mods. Learn the definition before making a fool out of yourself.

personally suggesting someone’s punishment is indeed weaponizing

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I knew it… You aren’t helping at all.

If I see Leafia play a game I’m leaving until they are blacklisted. This is a promise.

depends on who i’m supposed to be helping here

Well you’re not helping me, that’s for sure. Unless you mean to vote me out.

Blizer if you have your wits about you, I’d boycott any games Leafia is in.
There’s no telling how many games she’ll screw up because she’s a stupid imbecile.

it is indeed against the rules
cease immediately

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Are you defending that stupid imbecile? This is amusing as heck.


i actually think your faking this tbh.

as a community volunteer i cannot just sit by when there’s toxicity afoot

Oh I’m sorry, you’re even worse.

you have called them an imbecile a lot and tried to call for their blacklist

Yeah because that’s exactly what Leafia is.
Got a problem with that?

can we get a mod in here
we need the scary orange text

@Italy what’s stopping you from voting me?
I can’t wait to tell Leafia what a moron and imbecile she is.

Please chill to prevent a mute+, @CRichard564 - I only see one person being toxic, atm.

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Hello Xblade. You haven’t caught me at a good time here.

i just realized that quoting xblade probably sent him a ping, whoops

but thanks for helping