[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)


why sign up

i’ll be finished eventually

You’ll get it soon. Just read the post this is a reply to. Not sure what to think of Alice, but her liking Nappy’s response to being wagoned isn’t a very good look for her. Slight scumlean on her. As for Frankie, I have a townread on him as he’s being very protown right now and trying to help others with their play too. I have a scumread on Centuries at the moment honestly as I don’t like his tone as it seems agenday to me.

I’d be up for that as it could help town out.

/vote Italy

I got distracted

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
Napoleon Ami 1/9
Ami Apprentice 1/9
Centuries Frankie 1/9
Chloe Centuries, Blizer, Frankie, Napoleon 4/9
ModeShifter CRichard564, Alice 2/9
Italy Leafia 1/9

Ping me for mistakes

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I’m liking the response as Napoleon’s actually thinking critically about why I’m pushing him rather than just sulk and accept defeat like what he did in CFM2.

Usually wolves when pushed they don’t suspect their pushers as being a wolf. Him singling me out was a good response, even if I think that the reasoning behind his pushes this match have been nonsense.

i’m moving house reeeeee

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Can you start using words you understand instead of parroting whoever the person with the most thread presence/ highest tr is using because “tone and agenda” is just telling me you read a chloe or alice post and decided to vote me for it

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Meh who cares about reading up

I was at 159 and so far I’m getting scum vibes from Ami and uhhh new guy whats-his-face


Like honestly Leafia has been doing this for the past 2 games and nobody has ever said anything about it, is it only me who is bothered at how none of her thoughts are her own and if she comes up with something its just blatantly wrong or very surface level with no reasoning whatsoever

I’m screeching internally like literally everyone has said this is a problem

I dont get why you made this post lol, you’re not even talking about the bigger problem here which is that she is doing it again this game. Why is it that after seeing my post all you said was “its not the first time someone has said this?!?!?!”

Not really seeing that but okay. I’ll wait until further stuff comes to light and might reevaluate both of you.

I’m on post 246 gimme a minute hun

join the wagon brother

That’s exactly what I’m doing Centuries. I’m not parroting or being sheeped by anyone.

YOU’RE THE ONE SHEEPING WITHOUT TAKING AN ACTUAL STANCE APART FROM “if alice or chloe said so it has to be correct!!”

Oi, oi, chill out Cent.