[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)


thats probably it isnt it

Dead Townie voted by Dead Townie
Alive Person (Probably Town) voted by LW
Alive Person (I think Town) voted by GS and dead townie
Dead Townie voted by Alive Person (Probably Town)
Dead Townie voted by Dead Townie

Italy & Gorta only voters

whether or not you think i’m town
it’ll all be made clear tonight

pretty much

its why a no lynch is honestly the option to go here tbh

with 2 people bleeding and 4 potential deaths tonight

And wolfs cant kill tonight cause its an even night

Mole isnt wrong when it comes to mech though with these bleeds

Can solve the game potentially.


She wasn’t informed though

Yeah I’m pretty positive it’s Town Chloe

Is this shading a townie

Yeah it’s not W/W

what is this

Like Mole is the slot I’m the iffiest about

Napoleon is too high nah
Italy being this low obvs town
Would he put a scummate bottom 4
I think he would
Blizer/Gorta nah?

Chloe read is like, town imo

Town, Town/Scum, Scum, Town, Town, Town, Town, LW, Town, Town, Town, Town, Scum/Town, Scum/Town

That’s what I see

Nah Gorta’s town I think


Blizer/Mole maybe?

This further makes me think Town Italy

Is this like, him telling the truth lol

What does this mean

Would Seth buss Alice lmao, I mean him saying Chloe GS probably makes it T/W

He has like, the 2 people who I Sr the most ATM top 2 lol

what’s your reads

wait if its gorta nappy

nappy can heal gorta

and i get lynched bc i didnt bleed?

oh yeah dont do that

i mean gorta confirmed hes bled



no action tonight

we are clearing people with bleeds atm, and wolves cant kill tonight, so dont do anything.


my reads are janked atm.

Like out of everything

muki/Nappy`s slot looks really bad here

Chloe looks solid, Mole is ehh around the bleed thing, but i see why hes doing it cause it actually can mechsolve this game.

Gorta based off from leafia and mode looks town af here tbh.

Italy is Italy nuff said here

your slot im iffy about, but it should be solved tonight.

if I flip town


what do you do



i know we shouldnt be talking about mech here

but something did just cross my mind

we had 3 bleeds d1/d2


We know for a fact Leafia bled one of these two.


whos the last bleed?


Chloe looks wolf here then.

Chloe spew looks way better though


Did you think he set up to lynch Alice and townread Chloe

thats seth reads

Quite possible tbh

Whats the odds of a Nappy/Chloe wolf team here in your opinon?


(remove me from red if u dont trust me)


Chloe isl ike possible with Nappy but

not the most likely