[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

@Moleland honestly do you not see how easy it would be to fake that i visited someone when you know what action im really going to take ahead of time? everyone knew i was no visiting last night, so wouldnt maf try to frame me since i have the least likely chance of convincing everyone that i’m telling the truth? it’s lylo so you (if you’re even town) are giving them the win just for taking advantage of me needing help and asking what night action to take. @Chloe lame way to win fam

If we are wrong we lose here

Problem is your slot has been inactive af - and why was scum leaving our only healer alive?

Italy can only be scum if you healed him @muki

Im only here for like 5 seconds

But we cant be wrong on this one
He visited italy, and claimed to no-action

What we CAN be wrong on is blizer/italy

Also if this were town, italy woulda hammered already and we woulda lost

I go
I go

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@italy anything you want to say or are you scum?

that’s a question for maf isn’t it?

but am i rly the only healer? I seriously don’t know what roles you all even are lmaoo

also yes if we pick wrong we lose. so I guess it doesn’t matter if you pick me, because then the game ends and I’ll get a chance to actually get to know you all, which is what i’ve been excited for anyway :partying_face: so BRING IT ONNNN!

and if what you’re saying is true and italy is town unless I healed him, then it’s chloe and one of you two :man_shrugging: cause I have no reason to heal italy, they haven’t even said a word to me

I’ll give @Italy 2 hours to be useful


hello im here for a bit

Hammer 15m before EoD (or earlier) in case scum make 2/2 wagons and we rand into a loss

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2 hours and 1 min


Thanks italy



Re-eval stuff
Listen to mole

Same shit ive been saying for ages

Im done repeating myself

a grave mistake has been made here today. one that will haunt you for centuries. farewell

No postimg during Twilight

The day has ended.


I am now going to update the hyperlinks on the OP

The night has ended.

Moleland has died. They were…


Hardiness (Passive) - Positive effects used on you last for twice as long. This does not affect Holy Word: Serenity
Blood Fury (Day) - Slash at a player. They will die in two days unless healed. They will be aware. This can only be used on odd days. You will suicide if you kill a member of your faction. - 1 use
Ensure that all of the Alliance are eliminated.


Transcendence (Night) - The target player will be able to send infinite anonymous messages to you tomorrow. - Infinite uses
Blackout Kick (Night) - The next ability the target player uses will fail. This is not considered an effect, occupation or prevention. - 2 uses

So, now for the important part.
The game is mechanically confirmed to be in LYLO. One scum; two town.
Votes are locked.
In the event the first voter is town votes a town… well, the game just auto-resolves and the mafia win. :man_shrugging:

The day starts and will end at 2020-07-05T19:50:00Z.

Good luck, @Chloe / @Blizer / @Italy


aight thats a red

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