[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

I’m kind of settled more into ob for now.

That their jumps in logic don’t follow what someone thinking about the game normally would do, so that’s what I’m going to look for in their ISO and I haven’t seen it yet. Look through Leafia’s start of game ISO in CMF2 when they were talking with Marshal. The progression is awful

I mean clearly ISO Leafia so you can get some actual coherent thoughts on my push bc it really seems like at the moment you’re shading me waiting for votes to pile onto me

Have fun with that. Sheep my reads my final message goodbye

But seriously, I’m gonna go take a jog

I said I’m TR’ing you…

Which doesnt mean you cant vote me today?

Odds are that no, I won’t.

Your belief in your reads is far better than what I’m seeing from SDA/Ob/Seth.

That was my 1st wolf game, what did we expect?

I still struggle to think your read on me is solid

It’s actually fairly solid.

yeah to be fair mine was shitty too

i was called out for being not-relaxed and uncomfortable after… 4 posts?

so i feel ya

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P much where I am.

I’m so tired

damn i dont like being that low

Someone help me be not tired

Sleep :^)

I can’t

I want Mode/Ob wagons.

I’m fine with a seth wagon tbh

Hes been posting shit just to seem like hes providing content

/vote modeshifter

off for now so i dont hyperpost anymore

Here’s his first post. Could be a joke and probably was as I don’t think he was serious here.

Second post where he mentions his reads. A good look for him honestly. Although he seems a bit conflicted on a few people, like he’s afraid of being wrong. Could be a slight scumtell. Hard to say for sure though. Not sure why he thought Nappy was in any danger of being lynched.

This smacks of AtE and is where I first began thinking of the possibility that he could be scum. It just feels like he’s trying to get people to feel sorry for him and that’s not really a townie move.

Here he says that I don’t seem to have changed much yet admits to not even really reading my posts. How can you tell if someone has changed without reading their posts? It seems to me that he’s just trying to throw shade on me here.

Here he defends Nappy for no good reason that I can see for no good reason that I can see. I feel like he’s either trying to pocket Nappy or is in the scumteam with him. The former is a bit more likely based on what I saw the last game but both are possible.

This just reeks of Agenda to protect Nappy. How is he so sure Nappy is V here?[quote=“Centuries, post:369, topic:82340, full:true”]

Like honestly, Napoleon isn’t all black or white, it’s really grey but it looks really like the RT pinged her the “wrong way” and now she’s just pushing him hard

Claims Nappy is a grey area after practically harddefending him this whole time. You don’t defend grey areas that hard. You see how they react to the pressure then make your call.

I think this is enough to shjow everyone my thought process here.

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