[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

P sure this is probably a wolf TMI’ing SDA using meta as an excuse.

I’ve been one busy kitty! I will be here for about 2 hours to give thoughts and talk with you wonderful people before my (hopefully on time) bedtime.

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I can honestly see where you’re coming from here even if I disagree with you about him not being able to be a townlean.

Right now, I don’t know whether Light is a wolf or just misguided here. Both are possible.

Hi, currently reading back thru the messages. Was unexpectedly very busy today, just got done what I had to do.

i have arrived to inform everyone that light’s read is indeed bullshit
because no offense derps, but you’re bad at town

I still feel like Chloe’s argument against napoleon, as far as the test goes, I think it’s a poor reason to wolf read someone. The rest of her case was okay, but I do not feel like the reaction test part in general is a good justification at all for that read. I do appreciate the effort she put into refining that read, though! It was a fairly detailed case and laid out her thought process pretty well. I do not really want to focus on her right now.

To address a few things said my way, a lot of you seem to be wolf reading me for being “too nice” or things like that. I assure you that’s just the way I am! I like playing the game but don’t like it when it gets personal.

One last thing, on these reaction tests. What do you people think you are gaining from this? I’ve seen 2 claimed reaction tests so far and honestly, I think that they have both produced nearly nothing and everyone seems way too focused on it.

Napoleon’s test on me was a silly push and has a silly conclusion. Why am I townie simply for finding your read to not be a good one? No matter my alignment, I would probably say the same thing, because I would feel the same way about that point either way. He seems convinced it means I’m a townie, Light seems convinced it means I’m mafia, and then you have Chloe’s thing which concludes what I believe to be a NAI post as a wolfy one.

These things are pointless, and unless you have a very specific idea in mind, I think it just gets everybody distracted and does not help read a person’s alignment. Read everybody (especially me!) off of posting and interactions, not these silly little tests.

I would like Light to dive a little deeper on people. Right now most of his reads and reasoning is “meta” and “gut” and that really does not help in solving his slot, or the slots he is talking about.

For now, I will also rescind my vote and decide where I want to vote later.


This is kind of my thought. He has not been giving very helpful reasons, and that’s why I want him to take a deep dive on one of his reads and make it a little more detailed. Then we can see if it’s a justified read or he was flat out making it up.

@Aelin Can you make a deeper case on, hmm, Blizer? You have him in your town leans, but all you have as far as reasoning goes is gut. A few sentences (with quotes, if you want to make it look pretty!) on that slot would be much appreciated!


I’ve seen SirDerpsAlot before too. I’m pretty sure asking him to detail his reads is kind of a lost cause, but it doesn’t hurt to ask!

@SirDerpsAlot You seem pretty convinced that Alice is mafia. Mind giving a few reasons for that?

Yup, he’s my top townread because of that. In context, he was my mason partner for all of Insurgency, so I got the BTS on his plays.

I have arrived to tell you that Italy always scum
Even when you’re not scum, you’re scum.

i’m a weeb, therefore i am scum of the earth
that’s just how it works, scum doesn’t always mean alignment

Don’t worry, just because you’re disappointing doesn’t mean you’re a disappointment. There are separate reasons for that :stuck_out_tongue:

If you do not comply, the only option is extermination!

/vote Light


If you don’t want to make yourself readable, I think it’s a very good idea for vigilantes to target you!

I actually like this progression more than Alice’s, even if it’s faulty.

If that’s too much i’m asking for, then I am sorry. It’s just not easy to figure out someone’s alignment when all of their reads have no explanation. I’m willing to work out a way for you to explain your reads better, but right now I can’t say I like your slot right now seeing as you aren’t making an effort to explain your reads or help anyone read you

I’m tired

Brain no work