[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Who are the wolves?

I’ll take a look when you got them.

Leafia - Result - Lessened Scumlean, will re-eval

This feels overly performative. Also, the diction is weird, as well.

This… doesn’t do anything. Add on to the question at the very least.

Once again, performative. Not very close to hammer (5 away), so what was the point?

The idea behind the Frankie read is actually pretty good.

The vote isn’t that bad, either. It’s going off of the wagon that was gaining steam, and pressuring a low-poster.

So, first off, this was in response to Centuries saying you’re just using certain words to seem like you’re doing something important… in which you used “agenda-y” and “discredit” despite the fact that you weren’t really don’t anything at the moment. I’m not sure what he would’ve been discrediting.

[quote=“Leafia, post:780, topic:82340, full:true”]

Here’s his first post. Could be a joke and probably was as I don’t think he was serious here.

Second post where he mentions his reads. A good look for him honestly. Although he seems a bit conflicted on a few people, like he’s afraid of being wrong. Could be a slight scumtell. Hard to say for sure though. Not sure why he thought Nappy was in any danger of being lynched.

This ISO on Centuries isn’t the worst… Definitely not as bad as her previous ISO’s. There’s some hedge going on, but not enough to make me just scream “well this is TMI”.

Also showing progression on Mode, and looking for opinions.
@Leafia would you be against an ISO on Mode? I’d like to see your thought process.

You, Me and Chuck.
(No but honestly if we were all groupscum the game would be auto win because you two are the strongest Town)

there it is again - like you’re the arbiter

/jettison ModeShifter

What do you mean by “arbiter”
And where’s those things you were going to do?

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
Napoleon Ami 1/9
Ami Apprentice 1/9
Chloe Centuries, Blizer 2/9
ModeShifter Chloe, Chuck, Alice 3/9
Centuries Leafia 1/9
Italy CRichard564, Frankie 2/9
Apprentice Napoleon 1/9

People who /jettison are golden

Honestly as long as one of Chuck/Alice is Town we are fine.
If both are scum we lose.

If Alice is Scum it’s prob LW and Chloe would be groupscum with Chuck in that case.

I just hope that isn’t the case.

I asked how you got to this conclusion, earlier

And unless im forgetting crap
You never answered

So once agaib
How did you come to this conclusion

pings reeee



Play the fucking game.

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Well go read the game ???

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An ISO on Mode would help a lot actually. I think I’ll do one tomorrow when I’m not so sleepy. I’m not so sure I like how fast the mode wagon is growing to be honest. It feels like CM2 all over again. We need a counterwagon to help show wagonomics. I nominate Centuries.

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a person who settles a dispute or has ultimate authority in a matter

idk something about this strikes me odd

maybe it’s just how direct you are and not using “IMO” or “i think” or anything but this is the same MO you had in the Flags game


again with the declarative tone

oh now you lighten up a bit (this was after someone called you out)


also whats this whole thing about “if chuck’s scum we lose”

although i maintain we ABSOLUTELY would have won Flags if those two sus AF townies hadn’t subbed out on the last day to 2 pro players


did you seriously just dip again

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